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Found 4 results

  1. On multiplayer. Can move other grass seed in and out of inventory. Cannot move this 20 pile of grass seed. This 20 pile seed will plant grass but the number never goes below 20. Can eternally plant grass with it. Would rather have the lost cube of inventory space.
  2. Hi y'all! First bug report so let me know if im missing anything. Earlier I came across a bug, when a seed container is in your inventory, and tall palm trees are in it, if it is equipped it plants with an amount more than you actually have. I.e. I had 3, and noticed it would let me place more. I'll try to recreate it/post an image next time im on. This was in a private mp.
  3. Ethan Gordon Wilson

    World Creation: Set Seed Value

    Please allow the player to utilize a seed value to influence the world generation, along with entering a world name (already supported). This would allow people to "share" maps apart from the sharing of actual created maps in the workshop. This assumes that worldgen is using seed-based algorithm and output can replicate with same seed values. If no seed value is defined in this option, default to already-implemented seed generation. Lastly, allow players to view seed values used in the "~" screen so they can replicate/share seed values from randomly generated maps. Thanks!
  4. Mesh333

    Time travel?

    Hi Ylanders! Does anyone know if it is possible to recreate an existing Explore map as it was in the beginning? I know you can use a 'seed' to create a new Editor map but I don't know of a method to extract the seed from a Yland created Explore map or if it is even possible... Any ideas? In case you are wondering wh'Y': I've spent many hours on a single Explore level and would like to go back in time and try things differently!