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Found 3 results

  1. I spent some time over the past week checking out some Official Servers, I found some issues on PA 7 and PA 4 that I show in this video. The issue is Trader Sites having nothing there, no trader, no sign, no build. Also noticed a few places where Random Sites should be, based on floating debris and flattened areas, but nothing is there. Thank you, I hope since these are your own servers, that someone can hop on and run over to these places that I even show on the maps for the Worlds involved. Thank you.
  2. chrono208


    Can you guys help and find out what happened to explore na 5? I had gotten kicked from it earlier and tried to reenter but alas i could not. I logged out of steam and my computer and checked for updates as well waiting a couple hours before re-trying to log back in but when faced with the continue button it shows NA 5 unavailable and it also no longer appears in the server list. Please help! My friends and i have made some significant progress and do not want to restart rn. -Chrono
  3. chrono208

    Official Servers

    Why are the official servers constantly being wiped? it's like you devs want people to stop playing your game.