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Found 2 results

  1. Hello guys, I have been playing for a good bunch of hours already and first, I wanted to point out the game in general terms, from my point of view, is heading to the right direction for now, congrats to the devs!, so about this post, I just want to put over the table a couple of problems that I would like to see improved/solved in the future. 1. This is probably a bug, if you eat for example corn, and before you have finished eating it you change to another object, for example the map, that item gets eaten instead of the food and disappears. 2. The AI is reacting better in some cases but still lacks a lot in the way it works and I am sure this is probably a known issue, there is another post in the forum about this maybe?, I just don't have the time to look for it sadly so I will resume with this: 2a. Wolves can be easily killed if you keep swimming close to the shore area and lure them to water, they remain there (kinda underwater, which seems weird to me) and you can punch them to death one after the other. This is probably happening with all aggressive creatures, however I haven't tested it. They gotta begin acting more realistic and even use their advantage in numbers to attack the players, after all, wolves hunt in packs. 2b. When you shoot an arrow to a wolf, if you fail or not they will react 2 ways, one is attacking you (if their path finding can spot you near them) and another is moving aside and temporary hiding, which is good BUT, when they move aside if you wait enough (30 seconds to 1 minute so so) they will come back close to the same spot you shot them ( it will repeat as many times as you shoot without killing the wolf), which makes it easy to hunt them and seems totally absurd instinct for an animal that is being shot and cannot counter that. 3. Sharks seems to be in the same situation as wolves getting stuck on the shore when pursuing a player, unable to run away or attack they easily die. Ylands is a quiet game I know, but a little challenge would make it more realistic and more interesting!, keep that in mind. Best regards.
  2. TheGous4

    Feedback and Ideas

    Hello, I only Played the Game now for 11 Hours, isnt much but more than other Games where i logged in and Played for 10 Minutes logged out and Deleted them, and they had 10 or more gb as a example, this Game is Awesome, i Love it and i allways Play it with my Brother, one of the best Games i have Played, it keeps up with Skyrim in my List, it is in my ''one of the best Games'' Categorie in Steam there are 7 Games in there with Ylands, not much when you got 200 Games. I cant say much to it because 11 Hours isnt much but i got a few things i dont like. When you Build with Single Blocks it is a littlebit meh, sometimes the Block doesnt go the Way i want, but its fine better then it wouldnt work at all. And the Sorting thing, i would like something where you Press a Button and it Sorts Automaticly (Chest and Inventory), the Chests have no Space at all in my Opinion, there are so much Items in the Game (very Cool) that i needed to make alot of Chests. When i Search a Ore or some things like Clay, its Hard to Say which is what if you know what i mean. When you Loot Bamboo Trees, takes very Long, Aoe Loot with one Click would be Awesome. 2 Real Problems there are: When you try to put a item in the Chest thats already in there, with Right Click or Drag and Drop, it doesnt Stack Automaticly like it should, you need to take it out First, then Stack them together and then Put them again in. Second one: When you try to Play with a Person and both cant Connect to each other, i know you can Port Forwoard and stuff, but i dont do that, the Game has to work without something like this, all Games i Played with other People got that Working without any Problems, i dont Attack you with that, i just Say, i understand that its in Early Acces so its Fine but i thought i just Mention it, but to Play on Official Server with my Bro and other People is also Fun, even tho you dont see them much, the Buildings are great when you see them, Feels like there are other People on the Yland But there are more things i like to it then i dont like, these are the only things Actually, i dont Say what i like because you wouldnt even Read it thats how long it would be, its an Awesome Game, i didnt even know you could make a Game like that with Half of a Gb lol, its Insane how Fun it is, when you take Gta 5 it has 60 gb and isnt that Fun for me atleast, keep on the Work, also what me Surprised yesterday is that you get Free Coins that you can Buy Skins, thank you for that also besides the Free Skins already! Sorry for my Bad English, i try my best