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Found 4 results

  1. I dont get the solution for a Mysterie-Yland I am supposed to find an 4 digit code for a safe via 4 (or more if I missed some) letters which have the numbers in them, but the numbers I got did not work in any combination =( Here are the letters: 4 8 4 9 as there are nine steps on the pier I tried 9448, 4948 and 4498
  2. The following image shows the symbol I mean. My only guess is something underground as on the location there was nothing I could see Hopefully you know what it means...
  3. I want to create randomized NPC . However, when I want them to equip some item through script, like a hat, or boots, they just hold the items in their hands...
  4. Trying to build chests onto my Basic Ship, and its telling me that construction mode is required. I googled it and found a post from 2019 that said the "e" key at the helm would do it, but It does not. any help would be wonderful as I have been unable to find an answer and would love to use the ship thank you!