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RESOLVED Placing Crates


I built a warehouse just yesterday and placed some crates on some test shelves and it worked.  So I fill the warehouse with these shelves and today I cannot place the crates!  And I've tried every way of placing them. Is this something that can be fixed in the future or do I need to figure a different way to do this?  I don't mind being patient, thank you!

Screenshot (3).png



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This was a problem in world synchronization. should be fixed for several years now.

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So I came back to the game after a few hours and tried placing the boxes again.  No luck.  However, I tried placing stone blocks where I wanted the boxes to go and they placed no problem.  I then removed the blocks and was able to place the boxes.  I'm not sure why this works, this should probably still be fixed, but I found a temporary work around.

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Sounds like it could be the same issue as with the ship parts. Weird.

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