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Nice! All of the 911 rescue services in one place.

It would be great if colored light sources generated colored light. I'm not sure how hard it would be but it could be done considering that there are some colored lamps already.

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We're all waiting on spinning flashing lights. Might also be a fun way of scaring off predators. 

Perhaps if we get some spinner block or rotor, those spotlights will have more utility. 

Edited by mid endian
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The lights are the tricky part, I was trying out the randomizer to see if I could get them to flash but with out any luck so far. But all the lights are coloured, unfortunately you can't see them. I'm going to build a fire/police station and some form of hospital/clinic :)
A rotating block would be amazing.
If anyone has any other suggestions on how to improve my vehicles, I'm all ears 

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