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RESOLVED What I've found so far


I've played Ylands in Multiplayer on a dedicated server for 2 weeks now and this is what I've found so far (that I can remember).

Server spec:
Intel Core i5 (7th gen)
16 GB DDR4 Ram
SSD Drive
100/100 mbit connection

Client #1 Spec:
Intel Core i7 (5th gen)
16 GB DDR 3 Ram
SSD Drive
Geforce 960
100/10 mbit connection

Client #2:
Intel Core i5 (7th gen)
16 GB DDR 4 Ram
SSD Drive
Geforce 1050
100/10 mbit connection

Client #3:
Intel Core i7 (4th gen)
24 GB DDR 3 Ram
SSD Drive
Geforce 1060
100/100 mbit connection

1. Version in launcher says 0.4.3423 but news says the latest version should be 0.4.35021 rolled back to 0.4.34289 ?

2. Breaking a tool causes the server to crash (sometimes)

3. Built two large ships, climbing the ladder on the 2nd ship made me enter the first ship. (sometimes, a server restart solves this issue)

4. Placing items on a ship, last item disappears. Eg. If placing 4 cubes on a ship, the last cube would just disappear. (client restart solves this issue)

5. Sometimes the server launcher get stuck at starting. (soleved by exiting all instances of Ylands.exe in the task manager

6. A client restart is sometimes needed when dying on a ship to make all player items visible.


7. Launching the server monitor via Windows Remote Desktop and then exiting Remote Desktop and reconnecting to the server via Remote Desktop causes the server monitor to be displayed in maximized state.

Edited by arnada

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All issues should be fixed in current version of the game = on rented servers. Local dedicated servers were disabled.

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