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RESOLVED [YLD-12073] Entity Names don't output to Player Log?


I don't know if this is really an error.  It just seems strange to me...

While playing with the logic, I decided to build a quick test to see how long it takes in-game for some of the plants to grow.  It's fairly simple, with timer triggers to check the Entity Name and compare it to a previous answer.  If it changes, the new name and Game Hour are assembled into a single string, which is then pushed into an array to wait for output to the Player Log (under Debug) at the end of the test.

The logic works fine, and it captures everything I want it to, EXCEPT when I output the items in the array to the log, the entity names are not there.  Instead I see text like this: ^EntityPrototype=105.Name$

When I noticed this, I added a command to output to the Console at the same time as it outputs to the log.  The Console shows the actual names, but the log does not.  What confuses me about it is that I'm expecting them to be string values, already assembled and set to a specific value.  They're stored in an array until I pull a lever to output them, but the contents seem to depend on where I'm outputting.  That seems strange.

For my specific uses here, that is not a problem because I am more interested in the times that were logged.

Changing "Get Name" to "Get Type" gives something more readable, but this is still kind of strange.  As I said, I would have expected the stored string values to be more solidly defined.

I'm attaching my scenario, as well as a sample of the Player Log.  I changed one of the 3 "plots" back to "Get Name" for the sake of showing the difference.  It is "Plot 1" (the one at far left).


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Hi, sorry for the late answer. I missed that.

You should see in log actual name at your language. It will be fixed in the future.

"Get Name" can not return actual name because same scenario can someone play in Spanish or Russian. Instruction which present string to a user (Console, Speech bubbles, dialogues, UI Panels etc.) should translate key ^EntityPrototype=105.Name$  to a proper name of the entity at chosen language on a client side and you are right that it should do it when writing to a player's log too.

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