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Igor Q.

I can't custom interact with items in hand

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I've tried several times this morning trying to disable default interactions with items and inserting my own but with no success.


I've tried it with a book, with a block, and with an anvil with no success.

I can interact with the item on the floor, but can't interact with the item in my hand.


I've tried using the default interaction with a book in my hand and using a trigger and I get nothing aswell.Anvil.png.cc68bdd70d843312814762f0c35b7475.png

I've tried using Event Listener but found nothing.



Am I doing something wrong? Or is there really no way to set something up as simple as a custom interaction for an item?


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Im not 100% sure on this one but i dont think you can set custom interactions for entities in your inventory, only entities in the scene.

would be definitely nice to be able to do though


Edited by Oliver Hope

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As Oliver hope writes, now you can only setup interaction which are active only when you focus an entity in the world, not in hands.

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