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Igor Q.

Most effective way of checking out of bounds with Local Points?

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I have a list of instructions within a global storage that allow me to cast fire spells.

However, to prevent loop errors, all instructions rely on using Local values (this will allow multiple players to cast the same fire spell).


My issue is I now want to add restrictions and barriers where the fire spell stops if it hits a wall or obstacle (not player).

The issue with this is unless I have very simple geometry it is difficult to do. The Zone Logic does not offer any way to check if a point or game logic point enters it's zone.


I would like to know the most effective/simplest solution to solve this problem.

This is an example of the code used for a simple linear fireball spell


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I don't think that there is a simple way to do it right now. Your best chance is to create a bunch of trigger zones and place them around the obstacles in your map and see if the item entering is apart of the fireball. If so despawn the item.

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The problem is without using zones, which as you say dont work anyway, then we have to check where every block is in relation to the spell, and we have no efficent easy way of refrencing all of them so I personal cant think of any way at the moment..

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