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RESOLVED [YLD-23202] Invisible player and items


I was told to report bugs here with the output log files.  Basically the common problem we are getting is invisible items not showing up while harvesting.  Mainly occurs for other players and not usually the host.  It's fixed if the players relog into the server but after a brief while it happens again.  Also we would sometimes encounter our own avatars being invisible as well.  Sometimes with the items being invisible, they actually are in the inventory but then gets overlapped by another item and replaces / glitches the item and causing an item to disappear.  This started when we started to explore more islands and it's gotten a bit unplayable for us.  I've attached both my logs and my boyfriend's (b) logs so you can see both of ours.





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This problem was fixed back in 1.4, was caused by combination of problems (desynchronization of workstations and ship construction mode)

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Thank you very much for the report. We'll look into it. If you could also provide the save file where this is happening, that would be really helpful.

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I don't have a SaveGames folder in my remote folder.  Is it because we're using a sharegame server versus local?

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So only the owner of the Sharegame can get the save file. If you delete the Sharegame (as the owner), it will ask you, if you want to download it on your computer (thus you won't lose it) and then it will appear in the remote folder I wrote about earlier. 


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