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RESOLVED P1 Servers Not Working Properly


The P1 servers are acting really slow. 

Issues: "front page  shows  full   server    but the no in game  doesnt reflect  it ..it seems there could be some "connectivity"   between games giving  false  readings." @kimbuck

"players appear on  list  but  take  up to 2 minutes to appear on the start platform ...blocking  new arrival..." @kimbuck





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recently   there  have  been  very  and   i mean very frequent  "server maintenance"  shutdowns,  ..no warning   and  after a  5  minute  snail pace  rejoin in time ...  server performance is the  same. - Also,     when running   around and you hit a  barrier edge , its  like hitting a brick wall...you  even  hear a "thud" sound  and  you need to wait   about  3  seconds  or    try to pass through the barrier at an angle.


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"we get  server maintenance    avert  90  minutes  roughly ... unspecified  arror on  return attempts     then connection  time outs  ...    what more  do we need ?  :0" - Kimbuck

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Is this still happening? As I told you on Discord, we need logs or at least a specific time and server when and where it happened, so we can dig up, what seems to be the problem. Without that we cannot help. Our QA regulalry visit your maps but so far weren't "lucky" to encounter any of these bugs ?

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