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RESOLVED Weird rollback after exiting Exploration and reentering


I've been encountering these weird bugs where I lose progress after exiting my Exploration game to the main menu and then reentering it again.
This latest time I had just finished fishing, I had caught a stack of 20 plus a stack of 7 and had then put it in the stove and campfire to cook then exited out to Main Menu. Upon reentering the game a couple of minutes later my food had disappeared from the stove and camp fires but there was a pile of 5 fish on the ground where I had been standing when I was fishing. I'm pretty sure I experienced this before and posted my logs there too. Not sure if these two instances are related. I've attached the logs from before and after restarting the game in case that makes a difference.





Edited by handofthesly
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There were several causes for this issue (failing services on backend side, some waiting threads in networking could "stuck" and data was not send again and later replaced by backup, same thing with network timeouts, problems with steam connection could cause similar issue, not to mention crashes, freezes and any unexpected shutdown, also some serious bugs with looped problems could interfere with data). It was always difficult to properly debug problematic connections from different parts of world. Also synchronizing client and local data through backend will never be without problems. 
But to summarize, there were fixes almost every update since 1.5 to 2.0. All mentioned problems were either fixed or mitigated to minimum (for example if in some rare case you will play with disconnected steam services and questionable network flow you can still lose some progress if you not be able to reach any of our services for prolonged time). In case player loses some important asset like ships we are able to restore it from his logs (which are now sent automatically with report in-game). Should be fixed.

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