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RESOLVED Missing Recipe With Blueprint Despite Having the Recipe Unlocked


I'm having an issue with two of my blueprints showing that I'm missing a recipe despite having bought the pack with the recipe in it. 

Here it shows that I'm missing an Oriental roof piece:


However, here it shows that I have it unlocked. 


And here it shows that I own the pack. I purchased it because I wanted to start working on my Nordic-themed Yland without having to scour a bunch of places in hope of finding the recipe. 


The two blueprints in question are by contributor jrock and are called Nordic Farmhouse and Nordic Dock, both are found in the store and both are game blueprints (not creator blueprints). I'm not sure if you need the DxDiag file, but I've attached that as well. My game version is and my OS is Windows 10 (10.0.19045). I'm happy to provide any more information that might be needed. 

I should also note that I do own the Adventure DLC and my in game name is Theloden. 







Edited by Theloden
Logs and DxDiag
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4 replies to this bug / suggestion

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Oriental bundle was fixed in 2.1, also since 2.2 there is a tech tree which should send you where this recipe can be obtained.

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I found a bug that affects the blueprints.
When I want to build a blueprint the builder tells me that I don't know 2 recipes yet, these recipes are the woven bed and the simple basket. I have unlocked these recipes and I can also craft them in my recipe collection.
Unfortunately, these two recipes are displayed in red and so I am unable to build a purchased blueprint.
I hope the bug is fixed quickly because I really like the feature and the game is a lot of fun. I also bought the discovery pack to fully enjoy and support the game.

Thank you very much for your efforts and for such a great game

ylands bug 2.jpg

ylands bug.jpg

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Posted (edited)
16 hours ago, OHBE1 said:

I found a bug that affects the blueprints

DEUTSCH: Leider ist dies ein bekanntes Problem, bei dem es von jedem dieser Artikel zwei Versionen mit unterschiedlichen Rezepten gibt. In den fraglichen Bauplänen muss die Version des Betts und Korbs verwendet worden sein, für die Sie derzeit kein Rezept haben (der eine verwendet Stöcke, der andere Bambusstöcke).

In der Zwischenzeit können Sie entweder warten, bis Sie diese Rezepte selbst gefunden haben, oder jemanden einladen, der sie bereits hat, zu kommen und den Entwurf für Sie fertigzustellen. Ein guter Ort dafür ist der offizielle Ylands Discord, wo es viele aktive und hilfsbereite Spieler gibt.

Eine Alternative besteht darin, einfach alle restlichen erforderlichen Materialien für das Schiff hinzuzufügen und dann unten auf die Schaltfläche „Bau fertigstellen“ zu klicken. Dadurch wird alles, was Sie hinzugefügt haben, bis auf das fehlende Bett und den fehlenden Korb, fertiggestellt und Sie können sie dann ablegen Manuell selbst anhand der Rezepte, die Sie haben.

Ich glaube, dass im nächsten Update später in diesem Monat die Versionen, die Bambusstäbe verwenden, aus dem Spiel entfernt werden, aber ich bin mir nicht sicher, wie sich das auf Blaupausen auswirken wird, die bereits in der Welt platziert wurden.


ENGLISH: Unfortunately this is a known issue where there are two versions of each of these items with different recipes. The blueprints in question must have used the version of the bed and basket that you don't currently have the recipe for (one uses sticks while the other uses bamboo sticks).

What you can do in the meantime is either wait until you find those recipes yourself or invite someone who already has them to come and finish the blueprint for you. A good place to do this is the official Ylands Discord server where there are lots of active, helpful players.

An alternative is to just add all the rest of the required materials for the ship and then hit the "finish construction" button at the bottom, it will complete what you have added except for the missing bed and basket and then you can place them down manually yourself using the recipes you do have.

I believe in the next update at the end of this month the versions using the bamboo sticks are being removed from the game but I'm not sure how this will affect blueprints that already have them in their compositions and already have been placed into the world.I believe that in the next update later this month the versions that use bamboo sticks will be removed from the game, but I'm not sure how that will affect blueprints that have already been placed in the world.

Edited by handofthesly

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