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How to discover Ylandium generator?

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Hello everyone, i'm playing the game a few days and i love it but last days i search Ylandium generator recipe and i cant found yet. İ have discovered many underwater encounters an i already have 6 Ylandium components and many energy items recipe but somehow in generators section only wind trubine is craftable. How can i discover Ylandium generator recipe? 

Note: sorry for bad English.

Edited by HimitsuArashi

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I've already answered in the Discord but I'll add my comment here too in case it helps someone else at some point. I am pretty sure it is one of the several underwater ylandium relict encounters, possibly the one with pipes in a cross shape. 


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Thank you. Yes i read your answer in discord but after that i'm searched many encounters an i find 5 more Ylandium components and also i found the encounter that you share its image ( more than 3) but still generator recipe doesnt open. So i try to search Google and i cant find any Info. Finally i create this post. İ still wait a certain information about which underwater encounter give the recipe. İ think i've already discovered all types of underwater encounters. Thanks for all answers.

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I'm hoping the recipe hasn't been broken, maybe Anna and the Devs will be able to find out or at least confirm which specific encounter it is as I know many people have asked before you but I don't remember if we ever found out for sure which one it was 🤔 

Looks like others have also had issues in the past with those encounters not unlocking the recipe for them, doesn't seem to be any update on it though. @richardtaal did you resolve your issue with the generator recipe not unlocking? Would be keen to know which encounter or which region it unlocked for you.

Edited by handofthesly

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  On 11/27/2023 at 2:46 AM, handofthesly said:

I'm hoping the recipe hasn't been broken, maybe Anna and the Devs will be able to find out or at least confirm which specific encounter it is as I know many people have asked before you but I don't remember if we ever found out for sure which one it was 🤔 

Looks like others have also had issues in the past with those encounters not unlocking the recipe for them, doesn't seem to be any update on it though. @richardtaal did you resolve your issue with the generator recipe not unlocking? Would be keen to know which encounter or which region it unlocked for you.

The recipe is not broken. :)

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  On 11/29/2023 at 1:10 PM, anna_svecova said:

The recipe is not broken. :)

Can you confirm if it's a Tundra underwater encounter that it is linked to, I seem to remember it being the one I mentioned above but could be wrong? I vaguely remember having this conversation before but can't seem to find it 😅 

I know we are getting the crafting/tech tree overhaul in the next update which could change this but that's a whole month +/- away

Edited by handofthesly

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