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Miguel Preguisa

RESOLVED Grids in the Editor are not matching right


I tried to build a ship in the Editor but I was really dissapointed when found out that every single item is placed in another not matching grid. :S That means sometimes the grids are moved a little to some side. I hope the screenshot will tell you whats going on better than I can. :P (I havent moved anything away from the grid)

2016-12-08 (1).png2016-12-08 (2).png2016-12-08 (3).png2016-12-08.png

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should be fixed for some time now, the grid should be compatible though building directly on ship can be still somehow difficult. Although you should be able to paste your build to any ship and it should snap properly (and then again move it on correct grid).

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Yes, apparently the ship is in a "different grid" right now - you'll have to play around with the X, Y and Z axes (with the movement widget etc.) once the ship hull is in the level (or you can do this directly in the Editor's character mode as well)

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