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RESOLVED Game does not launch


Installed the game twice.  Tried to launch the game normally and as admin.  There is a flash of a message that says "game launching."  Nothing happens.  No other indications.  Running Windows task manager shows no YLands game.  No indications from internet security.

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All these problems should be obsolete for a long time, in case somebody has still similar problem just create a new thread or preferably contact us on discord. We will need output_log_clean.txt located at C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Ylands\Ylands_Data.

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Please send us the files output_log_clean and output_log, you can find them in the directory \Program Files(86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Ylands\Ylands_Data

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I'm having the same issue.  Here is my log:

YlandsLog {}

[IN] Ylands Version:

[IN] command line arguments: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Ylands\Ylands.exe

[IN] Logging On

[EX]U InvalidProgramException: Missing or incorrect header for method InternalTransformFinalBlock
+t System.Convert.ToBase64String (System.Byte[] inArray, Int32 offset, Int32 length)
System.Convert.ToBase64String (System.Byte[] inArray)
Base.Json.JsonHelper.Write (System.Text.StringBuilder output, System.Byte[] value)
CoreServices.Model.Oauth.SteamTokenAuthReq.DoSerializeToJson (System.Text.StringBuilder output)
CoreServices.Model.Oauth.SteamTokenAuthReq.SerializeToJson (System.Text.StringBuilder output)
CoreServices.RestRequest.CreateUnityWebRequest (System.Text.StringBuilder builder, System.String baseUrl, System.String& optRequestBody)
CoreServices.CoreServicesManager+<SendRestRequestCoro>c__Iterator0`1[CoreServices.Model.Oauth.SteamTokenAuthResponse].MoveNext ()
UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (IEnumerator enumerator, IntPtr returnValueAddress)
CoreServices.CoreServicesManager:SendRestRequest(String, String, RestRequest, Action`1, IRequestPostProcessor, Int32)
CoreServices.CoreAuthService:LoginWithPublisherTicket(IAuthTicket, Action`1)
Steamworks.Callback`1:OnRunCallback(IntPtr, IntPtr)




Edited by NaturalDisaster
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Please help i keep getting the Steam init error and my game folder does not have the 2 output logs in them i have reinstalled the game 8 times now


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