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RESOLVED Player stays on Server



I hosted a Game and a friend connected but then his internet crashed. His Player stayed on my Server and I can't build on him. I could kill the leftover player but now the player lays dead on the ground. Even after I closed the game and continued the old save. the player is still there.




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6 replies to this bug / suggestion

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I am curious if this is intentional. I had 3 different people on a server last night and all characters stayed on the map regardless of how they left. 1 did crash but all freely left the game at one point or another.

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Hi, yes, characters remain on the server even if the player left. You need to find a good cover before you leave a multiplayer session. :)

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Thats not good at all, how can I move a player? No this dead body lays on my house and I cnnot built because the body is blocking. Now I joined my first Official server overall dead bodies and everyhings is looted. All players are looted. How to find a save place on this small islands?

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Would be better when you guys are pushing the dedicated server. A lot of people maybe pissed on the official servers!!!

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