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RESOLVED do i respawn on the excact same starting island when dying?


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In singleplayer, you respawn on the yland you died on. 
There is currently a bug in multiplayer that will cause you to respawn on the starting yland, we're looking into that.

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Yesterday I died, and respawned on the starting island. I had to make a raft and travel 2 islands over to where I died. I am playing single player.

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6 hours ago, Batosai said:

Yesterday I died, and respawned on the starting island. I had to make a raft and travel 2 islands over to where I died. I am playing single player.

That happened to  me ,  as well 

If  you read my  tips for  survival thread,  i mention about  marking your  respawn area, and  later coming back to it and placing a  container,  and a marker  and  putting inside the container  a basic  survival kit,  ie   grass clothing for warmth, a spear,  an axe,  flnt and a  flint lighter,  wooden pieces and some  food. As the game progresses  come back to  that area and  upgrade it ..  perhaps  moor a small  boat / raft nearby.  That way  when you respawn,  you do not  start with absolutely  nothing.

And  smile at the sharks....:P  

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