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RESOLVED Memory leak


I have recently started running a server that i keep up 24/7 and have noticed a giant performance decrease after around 6-8 hours. When i launch Ylands and get ingame it is using around 2.5gb of memory and after 6-8 hours it is using 4.5gb of memory. After 6-8 hours the game is nearly unplayable due to the lag even at 800x600 resolution with low settings. It takes around 5 minutes to save the game and quit to the main menu and while at the main menu Ylands still uses 4.5gb of memory. Players have also said they get lag spikes around every 5 minutes(autosave maybe?).



GTX 950

8gb Ram

internet: 800 down 800 up



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Local dedicated server were removed, sessions for rented servers are turned off when no active player is present for 2 minutes.
Just for future reference (in case some third party changes and we will return local dedicated servers). Many leaks were fixed since that time, but there will be always some part of data which cannot be cleared until session is reloaded especially if there are 8+ players and there are many terrain modifications. 

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It's the same with my dedicated server. Starting at 1.5 GB and after 10 hours it uses more than 5 GB - even if no people played on it. Before my last restart it uses more than 8 GB. The savefile is about 20 MB.

So I had to restart it every 12 hours manually (cause there's NO rcon port to send a restart to the server), otherwise I think it will crash. 

So how can I solve this? My host got only 16 GB (and 8 CPUs) and I'm afraid the host/server crashes. Stay always at home? If I travel away a few days and it or even the host will crash, all my friends won't be able to play. Or is the a command to aumatically restart it? I'm afraid of just killing the task will destroy the savefile...

There are several game servers running on my host and NONE of them uses more and more memory  - even Ark (Survival Evolved) starting at 4 STAYS at 4 GB, even after 3 days.


Will there be a solution? Otherwise for my next trip I had to stop the gameserver.


Best regards & hoping for a solution,

Stefan aka Dallarius

Edited by Dallarius

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Hey guys, do you see any recurring errors in the Ylands Server Logs?  An empty server (no players doing stuff all day long) usually stays steady as far as memory usage is concerned in my experience.


Some things to check - do you have animals overpopulating?  Not just on islands, but underneath them as well?  I've found that regularly culling the wild life above and below ground helps to reduce lag.  See if you have any vehicles stuck on things - docks, shallow water levels, other vehicles, sharks, animals, etc.  Object collision on boats or cars can really create some chaos on a server.  Move them apart if so.

Finally, the devs have fixed some of the problems, but I've still seen issues occur with propeller packs, canons, and boats in general.  If your server hasn't been populated too much, you might want to try a test on a backup and remove all of these objects and see if it runs any better.  Not ideal, but it might explain the culprit if nothing else.

As a total last resort - wipe and start with a new map.  Sometimes a map just goes corrupt and there's no saving it.  It only gets worse over time.

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