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Let me tell you something that happened yesterday, as my ship was enchored near an island I just ended up exploring.
I was jumping on the ship deck, trying to attach a lantern on the mast, when suddently I found myself high above the word -without drinking any potion. Time to realize "look, I'm flying !", I was falling down, scratching on my ship, and stupidly diying.
Hopfully, my character spawned back in the same island, and I began to run for my life toward the ship. I had just reached the ladder, nearly dead from frost, I held it in my hands and... suddently I was at the top of another ladder, one of a cabin at the deep end of the island -and once more diying, freezed to ice.
One more time respawning, running for my life as I was naked, hunted by wild grey wolves, reached a hunting cabin, holded the ladder to go up safe, and ... finding myself suddently onboard of my ship.
Time to say "flee", I raise the anchor and sail home. Once in the middle the sea, my ship collides a floating wreck. Guess what ? a computer !
I finaly reached home, with a computer in my bag, turned off my -real- computer, and go to bed for real.
That's what we can call a fantastic-randomly-generated-adventure!
God save the bugs ! - and the developpers that set respawning on the same island...

PS : Unhappily, I have no log for that session and everithing was back to normal this morning, so you may consider this just for the record and use it as another context for the common issue "Ladders teleporting players to odd places".



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Well, actually... do not place the computer you found on your ship, seems like that causes your ship to go nuts too :D I'd actually recommend you to break it or get rid of it altogether.

Ah, Ylands... so many unexpected "adventures" :D

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I have  found  out that if  you "jump" near the bow of your ship  you somehow  get a "spanking"  by the  collision physics   associated with the bow, and you end up shooting skywards,  falling back to  land  half on your ship and with your  loot  scattered on the ship and  ocean floor...fortunately  my ship was moored with the bow  against the shoreline,  so  a battle with the sharks was successful!

Computers are dangerous...   the  one on my desk here traps me in some sort of  addictive   vortex playing a  game called "ylands".. which results in threats of  domestic  violence if  i don't  log out and go to bed..:D

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