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RESOLVED [YLD-8038] Duplicated blocks in editor


Hello! I mentioned in another post how some blocks were duplicated in the editor as if an older save was merged with the current save. I have a save file with a prime example now so you can see what I mean.

I saved the game at some point with part of the hull painted white. I then changed some blocks around the mast area, like adding a door, and re-painted most of the hull in a brown-ish color. As you can see in the save file, the paint has been reverted to the white paintjob and the mast area has both the layout from the save with the white paintjob and the layout from the new paintjob at the same time, with blocks glitching in to eachother.

I just thought I'd share this before I continue and delete the duplicate stuff. The extention has been changed to .txt to be able to upload. Just change it to .yland.


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Since nobody answered, it was fixed back in January 2018 and yes the save helped, thanks :).

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