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RESOLVED Multiplayer Bugs Collection & Broken map


Hello, today myself and a couple others played around 5-6hrs of multiplayer and I have a handful of bugs for you, Sadly i don't have a log file for all of them as I had to restart my game a couple of times but I'll list them of and attach the current log file.
I should note I hosted the session threw the in-game hosting.


  • After playing for a while I ended up restarting my game and after loading the world I noticed everything my character had learned was lost the other two guys were fine.
  • Sometimes a player will be unable to pull out items form in a container or work/craftstation whilst others are able to-do so fine.
  • The ship's (We actually only made the large ship but id assume the same issue for the other one too) had an issue were when one of the others took control of it, it pulled me around abit when they moved it even though I wasn't on the ship or near it.
  • There was also an issue with the ship that one of them took control of the ship and it teleported them under the world which when we dug them out they were unable to move and apon him reconnecting his body was there but his view point was at the ship and he was unable to release control of the ship.
  • Horse's when they kicked the other player off they were unable too move but were making the running sounds and particle effects where they were, killing them was the only fix.
  • Gun type Weapons didn't seem to make sounds for the other players only for myself the host.
  • Falling from a height that causes the ragdoll makes the non-hosting players unable to move (killing them fixes them) and if the host ragdoll's the other players only see them stuck ragdolled in one place even though the host is moving afterwards
  • Sometimes an inventory slot will become stuck with a specific item type only able to go in it and can't be moved or switched out with anything else, also the image of the item doesn't display in the slot its  in but rather under the first row as if was in the first slot of that non-existing row.
  • Ghost items in the world, sometimes a player will pickup a stack of items and it'll say it failed and then the item becomes a ghost item in the world unable to be interacted with.
  • Non-hosting players can spam shoot the cannons but as few as I can tell it wasn't actually shooting just a bug on their end.
  • Promoting a player to admin doesn't seem to work or atleast they can not use admin commands? we only tried it with the /killme command so maybe that's not considered an admin command but its said permission denied.
  • Animals seem to have a hard time moving/navigating in the caves.
  • Non-host players respawn where they died, only when they create a new character to they repsawn at the world spawn.

That's most of the ones that I can remember, on top of that we ended up stopping playing because it seems the world became broken as after I restarted it, the game would just crash. I used the yland copy world feature which make it so I can load the world but my inventory was slow/buggy & the guys I was playing with became unable to connect stuck on loading world at 100%

I've attached the current log file & the corrupt world file (hopeful you can fix the world so we can continue playing :D)




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All mentioned issues should be fixed or mitigated.  (with extremely bad internet and on a big map it can still happen some desync with containers that player is unable to interact with them->can be fixed by reconnect, also animal pathfinding in caves is still not ideal but much better).

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15 minutes ago, nohalfmeasures said:


  • There was also an issue with the ship that one of them took control of the ship and it teleported them under the world which when we dug them out they were unable to move and apon him reconnecting his body was there but his view point was at the ship and he was unable to release control of the ship.

I dont know if you can reproduce the issue this way, but what I did was:

Climb the ladder of the ship while I was swimming, this ended up in me doing a swimming animation on the deck of the ship (the others could see me walking on the deck just fine so the issue was on my side only). I went off the ship and tried the ladder 2 more times until it fixed the swimming animation and I was walking normally on the ship. Then I took control of the helm and for the others I just vanished, like a.... Ghost :P

What actually happened was I got teleported somewhere in the middle of the island, stuck under the ground. The others dug their way down towards me and sort of freed me except that I wasnt able to move. After reconnecting I spawned stuck inside the ship (while my actual character was still underground for the others, so after killing me i could respawn and go back to take my stuff). Confusing, but thats what happened lol




15 minutes ago, nohalfmeasures said:
  • Horse's when they kicked the other player off they were unable too move but were making the running sounds and particle effects where they were, killing them was the only fix.

Just to add to this, after taming a horse and actually naming him he will still throw you off after a couple of seconds. The horse shows "Tamed", I dont remember clearly from previous time we used horses, but is the problem here that there is another stage after this that will get the horse to "Loyal"? Or is this just a bug?


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Hi guys and thanks for your feedback!

Just as I said in some other thread - with this update we've introduced some new MP code and we were aware that the MP won't be perfect right off the bat (at this point we need to get as much feedback as possible so you posting stuff like this is of incredible value to us ) - on the other hand we understand that these can be very annoying or even make the game unplayable so we're ready to fix these issues real fast - you can expect the MP to become more stable soon (as in real soon, not months :) ).


Thanks again for helping us make Ylands a great game! :)

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Awesome, glad to help, Here are a few more :P

  • The Boat will make player in like a 50m range from it sit and ties them to the boat as if they were on it as a passenger (Like how the ship does if your on it as a passenger)
  • If you do get on the boat as a passenger properly and are taken away from where you got on as a passenger it will cause the game gets stuck and your unable to do anything, rejoining will have you in a sitting animation were you got on as a passenger and then moving will bring out out of the animation and can cause the host to crash, but after that its fine.
  • Maps seem to randomly reset (the 2D map to see where you have been)
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Hello together,

we are experiencing the very same issues and one more: We have a proper large ship and a boat, and I'm (the client) not able to leave the island. I'm fine until I've reached the other Island, but when I try to leave the boat, I'm back on my starting position on our home island. Server restart and sucuide didnt help. Btw, I tried to use the ingame bug-function, but after clicking on "send" nothing happened, so I'm not sure you have received anything :) Client-Log (sorry for the 20 MB O.o) and screenies are attached.

(We also are reproducing the error nohalfmeasures described (being dragged around if we try both to enter the large ship) and send it as soon as possible.)

Lovely greetings,






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Hello again,

now we have reproduced the "Ship-Sharing"-Incident. After this update it seemed to work in the beginning, but half way through my screen went black, and I had to relog. After that I was dragged through the water again.

I also tried to sail with the boat on my own again, didnt work either, same issue as before the update.

Screenies and both logs are attached. 

Thanks for all your effort, dear devs!


Lovely greetings,







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