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RESOLVED [YLD-8182] Map not updating after long play bug



I played third time in Exploring Mode and in every game, after exploring big part of the Ylands, map suddenly stop to be updated. Map shows where you are and what are you looking at, but it's not drawed. It's not showing new places, not removing fog of war. I discovered that it revealed part of the map is always a square... So, map is working properly, you can see your map and then suddenly map "ends". Sometimes you can move explore something to the left West from you, but you cannot do the same on the Eastern part of the map. It looks like half of the map is possible to explore, but everything to the East ofcertain point isn't. Also, I realise that map is cut into tiles. If you are in the same cell, you can reveal some teritory to the West of you, but if you leave that "working" tile" - map isn't revealing at all - nowhere.

Another problem with map appears when you die. In most cases map is incomplete and even my own Yland is covered in fog of war again. Additionally sometimes maps shows wrong tiles - I can see fragment of the sea and land of some other yland in the millde of my yland. Tile is square, rougthly 1/3 lenght of middle size Yland (64-128 ground tiles wide?).

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If this happens again, can you please attach the following files? output_log and output_log_clean, you can find them in the directory \Program Files(86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Ylands\Ylands_Data

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