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Posts posted by Spyler.X

  1. Thank you very much @YadNiMonde☺️
    Thanks to comments like this we continue to bring out the best in ourselves, Ylands is a wonderful game and while normal exploration is not too good at the moment, they have given us the ability to do it ourselves and allow us to get the best of it. .
    We are very happy that you can continue to enjoy both our games and the wonderful community that has been created thanks to them, really thank you very much☺️

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    ★YLANDS ORIGINS★ V 0.03 and V 0.04

    Hello everyone, here we will inform you of map updates, you can also ask what you need or post your great screenshots of this game here.?

    I forgot to mention the 0.03 update so I'll do both in a row with the new additions.

    ★V 0.03

    -Two new microbiomes have been added, along with some missing plants.



    *Flower island



    -The loot boxes system has also been added for extra resources, you can find good things in these places.


    -We have fixed the problem with the spawm, you should no longer find a forest of barriers here.




    ★V 0.04

    The new version is available, we have fixed a few small things and added a new biome.
    -Fixed the player does no damage when approaching the npc
    -Fixed the tp to the players.
    -The lake water has been changed and the effects have been reduced.
    -Added corn and carrots.
    -The wooden golem and new animals have been added.
    -We have added the cave biome and some infinite resources with it, sulfur, saltpeter, gold, crystals, marble, rubber and mushrooms.


    *Sulfur plant                                                  


    *Saltpeter plant


    *Golden tree


    *Marble stone





    Resources such as crystals or marble are normally collected with any weapon.
    Once the resource is depleted it will take a few days of play to regenerate.

    The resources generated from plants are collected with interactions and it will also take a few days of play to reappear.

    Indestructible rubber is normally extracted but will give more rubber than usual and has the possibility of giving seeds.


    We hope you like it and that you enjoy these additions. ?




    • Like 6

  3. On 6/16/2020 at 4:52 PM, Rudy.cz said:

    Everything what was possible with old terrain tools is still doable, but there now more control over how it is done, so It can take some time to familiarize with new options.

    As for flatten, try checking the "snap angles" checkbox, which will allow you to use it as you were used to :) And we are not done improving yet, so expect more new tools :)


    I've been testing terrain editing for a while, the angle adjustment feature didn't seem to have any effect?. And I also haven't managed to create a flat surface in a comfortable way as it sets a slant angle very easily and there is no option for it to always be flat.
    In any case, I don't think the new functions are bad in themselves, as they allow some things that previously took a lot of time, but I think it would be better as a complementary tool to what we already had, it was really possible to create anything, quickly if you have the right technique.

    And I will continue testing maybe as you say I need to adapt, but it was really very frustrating the first contact


    On 6/16/2020 at 4:58 PM, Adam Snellgrove said:

    It definitely wasn't our intention to make the terrain tool less powerful and in fact we find it much better than before (switching to a 2D paintbrush, more variation with intensity, direction locking etc.) but that is definitely also down to preference. But do write to me (you can DM or on Discord) your major problems with it and we'll look into it, if that's something we can improve.

    I will try more and I will let you know if any option is not possible or if on the contrary I am wrong and I have rushed?


  4. Hello
    I have been waiting for this update for weeks and the truth is that I am very disappointed?, ignoring the sweet tooth like the wooden golem, the in-game fixes and other objects and decorations.
    New terrain editing systems leave a lot to be desired, not only do they reduce the chances of creating different types of terrain, but they are much more cumbersome and slow to work with, and the water doesn't seem to be able to adjust properly. Even if we want to smooth the terrain, it is now very difficult to achieve a smooth, stepped surface that fits properly in the water.
    It is also not possible to raise the terrain naturally as before with the flatten tool. The same for the option to lower the terrain that was previously possible with the same tool.
    For ocean terrain it is not possible to edit it yet, is it something that will come back or has it been removed forever?
    So I wonder if Ylands ended up being a game only for mobile phones.
    Sincerely, as a PC player I feel that more and more things are taken from us for the benefit of mobile gaming only.?

    • Upvote 3
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  5. YLANDS-KART-03.jpg.4b6334182f84d076601a8b5a3d88f111.jpg
    Trial version 0.5 of ★ YLANDS KART ★ available in the list of games, it seems to have no serious errors, so we will leave it accessible while we continue correcting and finishing some things.
    In the test version all cars and options are free.

    In general, the game works very well in most cases, although some of the errors you can find and its temporary solution are:
    * ctrl key to attack does not appear
    -It is solved by opening and closing the chat.

    * The car is stuck in the water
    - you can use command / unstuck 3 until you get back to the race

    * The car is blocked in one direction or it is not possible to accelerate:
    -There is no workaround for this, just wait for the race to end, or for players to log out for the game to restart.

    * On some occasions the race does not start automatically.
    -All players must log out to restart the game.




    • Like 1

  6. On 5/21/2020 at 5:40 AM, Hunter-Over-Fire said:

    Spyler.X why must you be 5 steps ahead of us always?

    I always try to get the best out of Ylands, and thanks to Christal who is with me in every project and the friendliest community anyone can hope for, everything is possible and motivates us to get the best out of ourselves.
    I also have many hours of the editor behind me, so it will be a pleasure to help you with everything you need to get here?

    • Like 1



    At the request of the players, we have put our tundra map in its original version, and we have made a small update for a basic control of multiplayer problems.

    So here is ★YLANDS ORIGINS★ YWD-V0.02
    A map with 5 great islands of tundra, of pure nature with an extreme environment and a pvp game.
    The old ylanders will remember this beautiful steep mountains and for the new ones you will also enjoy a unique landscape.




    All necessary resources and new enemies up to 1.2 have been added.



    We have protected the protective barrier, now it is exclusive to each player even if it is broken no one will be able to steal it and for those who took advantage of this to get more barriers you may be interested in trying your own barrier as bait to hunt unwary ylanders.?
    And if you really need one more barrier, you just have to ask for it.?

    On the other hand, we have also added the "Blueprint Licensing Office" to encourage creativity and control its use without having to ban them.



    In addition to some administrator commands to solve the problems that may arise, and a nice sword called "The Punisher", which is the only one capable of taking inventory from the player so do not think that you are safe, if necessary we will use it.?





    Stay classy ylanders?





    It is already available in the workshop, and although we still have to solve a problem with the hunting system, in general everything works very well, now our servers no longer experience daily restarts. So now you can enjoy a good exploration.
    And we'll keep updating the map for the next few weeks until everything works properly.?

    For people who want to open a server with our map, we have a complete administrator system to handle any problem that may arise during the game, in addition to some extras.
    Although this system is currently limited for us if someone wants to be able to use it, contact us and we can find a solution to make it accessible to you as well.


    stay classy ylanders?

    • Upvote 1

  9. Patricio Llora De Alegría Porque Ganó GIF - Ganar Triunfar PatricioEstrella GIFs

    I never despise good tea?, but coffee is my daily bread before opening Ylands.?

    A difficult decision, I really like all pets, although I have wanted the firefly for a long time, it will go very well with my alien costume☺️


    • Like 1

  10. Hello guys
    The update is ready, surely we will not take long to add some more things, but at the moment these are the new things that we have added.

    -A mod has been added for the propeller pack, now it has a battery charge, it works with ylandium cells, the small one gives a load of 50%, the big one 100%.

    Those helicopter explorers will no longer have it so easy ?

    -The lighting of the coral area, the marine cave, the spider cave and the mushroom cave has been fixed
    Now everything looks more beautiful, I recommend a visit to the coral at night.


    --The rocket code has been changed, now it is generated randomly.?

    -All animals on the surface have been removed. In its place we have added the hunting system.
    You can get your hunting license by talking to Elmer, on each island you will find a hunter to interact with to activate hunting on the island.
    It will be activated for all the players of the island with the level of the player that activates it.
    The player's hunting level will increase to get to unlock the different hunting levels, up to a maximum of 3 at the moment.



    -At the moment the cave animals are preserved although we have included some new enemies.

    A mod has been added for the golem, they can attack you when you approach them or if you bother them, be sure they will come after you. You can find 16 types of golem, be careful with them?


    -And since you couldn't miss all this, 5 new places have been added.


    • Like 1

  11. While we work on the last details of the race we do tests, almost every day where you can join to play.
    You can join our community to be informed or find it on the list of servers, when it is available under the name of Ylands Kart.??


  12. I'm going to explain a little bit about everything we've done here, how we did some things and how the game works.
    After some tests, we decided that the best thing would be to start with an empty map, we wanted to have an area with water so we used an aquatic map for this.




    First it was shaped and the different parts of the land were created.

    Some of them were done with a lot of patience to get a smooth terrain that helps driving.



    The color and decoration style were decided. 










    we also decided some of the game mechanics such as the different attacks.

    In the end we have left 4 different types of attacks, and we have tried to make it as level as possible.

    This is a summary of the process, when a player connects if he appear alone, a message where you can choose whether to start alone or wait for other players, if you decide to wait you can start at any time from the control screen with either button on the sides of the screen.
     With the control screen you can change the conditions of the race, which in addition to being able to change the time and the weather can be set up to 7 laps, these options include a small payout and can only be changed by one player in each race. If someone changes the race conditions, only he can change them again before the race starts.

    If you are waiting for more players and a player connects, the race will start automatically.

    You can also choose a car or buy one of the 3 available models, it's only necessary to choose it once since the selection for subsequent races is preserved.

    Each player has the hud of the race that indicates the elapsed time, the number of laps, the player's position, the speed of the vehicle and the available attack that is launched with the left Ctrl key.

    Attacks are achieved by picking up random boxes spread across the track, they only give an attack if you have none and regenerate every 15 seconds.

    Bombs: Placed on the court and explode when a player passes over them, making them lose a few seconds.

    PEM Pulse: An electromagnetic pulse that you can launch to affect nearby players and stop their engines, it lasts a few seconds and has a wide attack zone.

    The star: The star gives immunity for a few seconds to any type of attack.

    The missile: it is a guided missile, in this case it is the only one that has a different function depending on the position, if you are the first, it will attack another player randomly.
    If you are one of the intermediate players, the missile will always attack the player in front of you.
    And if you are the last in the race, you will launch a missile at each player.






    The standard 3-lap race lasts about 5-6 min and the finish will depend on the number of players.
    If if there is only one player, the race will end quickly when the player crosses the finish line.
    With less than 5 players the race ends 30 sec after the first one finishes the race.
    If there are 5 players or more, it will be necessary for the first 3 to finish the race for it to restart.

    At the end, your race time is compared with your best time recorded in other races and a phrase will appear indicating whether you exceeded your time or not.
    If you have exceeded your time it will remain registered and will be the one that appears in the list of players in the lobby when the game begins.



  13. ★New Ylands Kart

    The best ylands car game is almost ready.
    Inspired by Mario kart, Christal and I created our own version for Ylands, with his own style and a fully personalized circuit.


    Right now we have a beta version that you can try with us in our Discord community.

    The game is ready to run on mobile and PC with up to 8 players.
    In this first version, you have 4 types of attacks, with 3-lap races and random conditions in each race.
    The game has an automatic start, once you enter the game, the race will start automatically. Unless you are the only player, this will give you the option to expect more players.


    You also have additional options.
    Up to 7 different car types, 4 of them are completely free, the other 3 include a small payment, with which in addition to having a exclusive car, you will help us to continue to create the best content.


    You also have a control panel where you can modify the conditions of the race in exchange for a few coyns. You can choose the time of day, the number of laps between 3, 5 and 7 and the weather you want.


    In the clothing store, (coming soon), like cars, you will be able to acquire a special costume to distinguish themselves from other runners.


    We hope you'll like it, we have laughed a lot while testing so we hope you enjoy it too. It is a first version but it is already very complete and will soon be available to everyone.☺️

    • Like 5

  14. Hello everyone, some will have noticed that the map has changed several times during the last month.

    We have made a series of updates to improve performance and add some new features.

    These are some of the new things you can find. :)

    -New eastern biome incorporated in some islands.


    -Dangerous marine life near the coast has been added.


    The system is in its first version, you can find more than 8 types of new marine animals, you can not kill but if you use the right fruit you can escape most of them.

    -A luck system has been added, now exploring the island is more interesting. You can get a lot of blocks and unique decorations from this map.


    -Random boxes that you can find spread across the map where you can get from food to some resources, along with the statue of the witch where you can get some potions


    -More than 5 new unique places have also been added


    -The number of animals has been reduced, in general only non-aggressive animals. We hope you have a better performance .: Light_smile:

    -Some npc have been updated


    -All the effects and sounds on the map have been deactivated, now they are only activated when someone is nearby.

    -The vegetation of the first island has been reduced to improve yield.

    -A new signaling has been added when entering and leaving the protected area in the spawn.


    -Many of the logic has been replaced, hopefully this will reduce the frequency of reboots on the public server.

    -It has been added to the moderator function, on the server.

    -The new fishing system has been implemented in its beta version.
    It has also included the start of the new Xp system that we would like to incorporate.
    Now fishing for fish or breaking oysters you get XP, with level 10 you can get the Pro fishing rod. Every 10 levels you can order a fishing rod in case it is lost or broken.
    There are 27 new types of fish, you can only get special fish in special fishing areas, which will be marked at the top of the screen by carrying the fishing rod in your hand.
    At this time the market value of the fish is not implemented, you can also find some objects while fishing.
    And be careful with the Dagon. Legend has it that sea monsters sometimes attack fishermen ...




    If you have not yet joined, join our community of discord to keep up with the news, you can find players to play with and we also have 2 maps in the shared game where you can play without losing progress.


    What are you waiting for

    Discord community


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  15. Hi @Tinker-79e9f6687ebcf501 ?

    Now with the new animation systems it is easier, if you use a welding, you can configure the movements and assign them to the keys you want to be able to control it.

    For vehicles such as boats, it is the same thing that instead of moving it with animators you should use the vehicle speed logic together with a loop or a time activator that allows you to create the movement.

    I don't have tutorials yet, but I'm generally available in discord, If you have any questions or need anything, I can explain or show you what you need.☺️


    • Upvote 3

  16. 3 hours ago, Thom_Yorke said:

    Thanks for the example with screenshots, but I can’t make a donation mechanism with the issue of the item. So that when the donation is activated, the player is given an object. I tried everything, but it doesn’t work out (((

    For that you must open the internal logic of donations, there you will find the function that detects the player when the transaction is accepted



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