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Adam Snellgrove

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Everything posted by Adam Snellgrove

  1. So we have fixed this and it'll be part of the next update.
  2. Adam Snellgrove

    Dev Diary #100

    We definitely have some cool stuff in mind for this, so look out, but since we'll be making a lot of big updates regularly after the release, we'll maybe just keep a stream of cool stuff coming ? I talked to Aleš about this some time back and we'd love to do it and probably will some time after release.
  3. So it has been a bit of a slow week concerning screenshotting, but we still have a winner! @RedEagle_P1.!!! Congratulations ? Of course we had to choose a picture from the very cool Mini-Golf game, so here it is ? And so cool you can also play it on Mobile ? Expect your Coyns to arrive soon ? And what are we doing this week? Well, this week's contest will be Buildings! Send us your best buildings screenshots to win a nice pile of Coyns ? As always the deadline will be on Friday at 10am CET. Then we will choose the best three to win prizes ? So long and stay classy Ylanders!
  4. It will be part of the last big update before release, so soon. About a week or two.
  5. @RedEagle_P1. Really could use a screenshot of this, so we can see, what is actually wrong.
  6. Adam Snellgrove

    Dev Diary #100

    To make every item craftable isn't an easy task, but if you tell us, what exactly you're missing, we'll look into it ? Yes, this will very likely happen at some point - we want to add the ability to "glue" items so that they can't be easily removed, but it's not going to happen before 1.0.
  7. Adam Snellgrove

    Dev Diary #100

    If it'll be a hosted (P2P) server or a rented one, then then yes ?
  8. Adam Snellgrove

    Dev Diary #100

    Yep, that's the basic idea ? Nothing planned yet, but I'll ask in the office ? It should still unlock the Exploration pack and all other content tied to Early Access.
  9. Adam Snellgrove

    Dev Diary #100

    Happy to hear zarwil ? Concerning your...concerns, we'll never abandon Exploration, because it is an integral part of Ylands. It's where we try out all our new features and so it will constantly get updated because otherwise nothing else gets updated. And there will always be a team here dedicated to Exploration, so I wouldn't worry about this too much ? And to your second point, we really do believe a lot of mobile players will also want to try the game on PC and when they see the expanded possibilities, we feel a lot of them will stay ?
  10. Adam Snellgrove

    UNDER REVIEW [YLD-19529] Workshop issue

    Could you please DM me what you used to register into Steam and Bohemia Interactive account? We'll try and pair it on our end.
  11. So in this unique situation, when a game is protected but has world-saving switched on, you have to go to your account section and then 'MY SERVERS' and upload it there. But this should change in our next bigger update to be more intuitive.
  12. Adam Snellgrove

    Choice of left or right shoulder when I aim.

    I'll suggest it to the programmers and see, what could be done, but probably these changes would appear after 1.0 with FPS update.
  13. We are working on a totally new FPS camera view, which should answer your request, but it'll take some time to implement (at least some time after the release of 1.0). But it is coming ?
  14. Adam Snellgrove

    Shift Running

    I'll ask about this and let you know ?
  15. Adam Snellgrove

    UNDER REVIEW [YLD-19529] Workshop issue

    Unfortunately, everyone went home for today, but I'll run it through the team tomorrow.
  16. Adam Snellgrove

    Interview Ynterview #8 - Jan

    Every week we'll bring you an Ynterview with a member of our Ylands team. In this week's Ynterview we talk to the project lead himself: Jan Herodes First off, what do you do here at the Ylands team and what’d you do before you joined? I am Project Lead and came from the mobile development department to Ylands. How long have you worked on Ylands? What was the 1st thing you worked on when you joined? Something around 3 and half years and I started with defining the backend features and how to make the game multi-platform. What do you find most exciting on Ylands in general? There are two aspects – platform and visual. As a platform – Ylands has amazing potential. It opens up a lot of possibilities for creators what to do inside of our ecosystem. And visual – I do like this style. And what is for you the most exciting feature coming in the near future? Cameras. Definitely. Freedom with the camera setup is crucial for the creation of other types of games, which we’ll hopefully see in our workshop soon. What are you working on right now? Just boring stuff – as a project guy I am not working on something that sounds cool. Now I am finalizing the administrative we need for all stores and coordinating all game details with other departments both inside of our company and externally. What was the most difficult thing to implement to date? To keep the game up to date from the technology point of view. It’s the biggest challenge of all game projects that are in development for more than a few years. What do you do in your free time? I spend most of my free time with my family and trying to play rugby again. Which villain do you sympathise with the most? Thanos, Sauron, Darth Vader or Hans Gruber? Darth Vader.
  17. So programmers are planning to work on it this week, so hopefully, they'll have it fixed by the next week, but depends on the complexity of it ?
  18. I'll try and find out for ya. It is planned to be fixed in the next update, but not sure about precise situation with it now and when we can expect the update.
  19. Adam Snellgrove

    Contest Building Contest #1 - Winners

    So here it is! The end of our first building contest! And just WOW guys! Such great creations. It really blew us away. It was so hard to pick the winners. It really is amazing, what you're able to make in Ylands and a testament to the talent of our lovely community ❤️ But enough of my blubbering and unto the main event: 3rd place goes to @Igor Q. and his super cool hipster turntable! It is such a shame scripting isn't possible for Playlands, because the idea of changing the music this way is excellent! To you, we send 2200 Coyns. 2nd place belongs to @Spyler.X and his adorable cats! Nearly as adorable as the real thing ? To you goes 4400 Coyns. And finally, 1st place goes to... @Fompster and her magnificent peacock! It is a thing of beauty and we'll be honoured to have it in Playlands. To you goes the grand prize of 6600 Coyns. But all the rest of you were absolutely great too! @Christalle and her ladybug riding pet, @Miguel Preguisa and his Adam and Eve tempting snake and @MyPa553ng3r with his impressive statues and we thank you so much for these beautiful creations, they really are proof of the dedication of this community to keep making cool things on this fun platform, that is Ylands ? And now for the winners, we are going to make a special place in Playlands, where we'll put these items on show as a kind of museum of great creations. You will have a plaque telling all, who these talented creators are. It will take some time to build and implement, but it will definitely be there before full release and probably even sooner. What we need from the winners now is to send us your compositions (through private messages to me, if you'd like) made in editor, then found as .ycomp file located in PF(x86)/Steam/userdata/YYY/XXX/remote/Compositions folder or via the editor. Please send us these ASAP, so we can start working on implementing them into Playlands ? And again thank you all again for the spectacular creations and stay tuned for more contests in the future.
  20. Adam Snellgrove

    Contest Building Contest #1 - Winners

    Nope, I want newcomers to see, what beautiful stuff these three made ? I'll replace it with the next building contest (whenever that may be ?)
  21. Adam Snellgrove

    Cant move center of mobile game map, help!

    Can't something be blocking it? Other than that we'd need the savegame with the problem to look at it ?
  22. Adam Snellgrove

    RESOLVED [YLD-19336] Playlands is down for most P1 people

    So it seems fine on our end. Maybe it was just a temporary server breakdown? Is it still happening?
  23. Adam Snellgrove

    BI Servers

    Logged it as YLD-19341. Separate forum post about this would make it easier to check back on it though...
  24. Adam Snellgrove

    Chat not in separate window

    Will look into it.
  25. Adam Snellgrove

    Ability to detect which device player is using

    I'll suggest it to some of the Designers, but it won't be quick I'm afraid.