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Adam Snellgrove

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Everything posted by Adam Snellgrove

  1. I have logged the suggestion and I'll try and get an answer for you ?
  2. So is this still a thing? Because we can't reproduce it so far...
  3. Adam Snellgrove


    Could you please send us a screenshot when this happens? And output_logs if possible.
  4. Adam Snellgrove

    RESOLVED [YLD-19217] Bug pochodeň pod vodou

    Zaneseno do systému a snad brzy zjistíme, co s tím je.
  5. So I'm afraid these aren't quite it yet ? But we're getting there. We actually need output_logs from the server itself, so when @Indian Chief tries to get in the server and fails, we'd need the output_logs that are in the file, where you have your server installed. Would that be possible, please? I'm sorry it's this complicated, but we can't replicate it whatsoever and the problem seems to be quite severe, so we're really trying to find out, what's wrong.
  6. Adam Snellgrove

    0.14: Playful Platform (05/09/2019)

    Should be the 0.14.1 that's described here: Nothing else went out at least according to info I have... ?
  7. Adam Snellgrove

    Mobile Beta

    Hey there Ylanders! So, the Mobile Beta is up and running and here is the link. There is a limited amount of places, so hurry up and join, if you want to be part of the beta and especially if you want to build mobile games for the upcoming release, so you can test them. https://testflight.apple.com/join/9gEWeihv If there isn't any more space in the beta, but you'd like to be a part of it to build mobile games, DM me and we'll figure something out. If you stumble upon some mobile-specific bugs, don't hesitate to inform us, it would help us a great deal. And that's it for now, so have fun in the beta and... stay classy Ylanders!
  8. Thank you very much! I'll let you know on Monday if it worked.
  9. Adam Snellgrove

    What happened to this great game?

    No problem @zarwil! The mobile platform won't affect the overall game in any way. It is another feature but it isn't pulling any resources or manpower from the rest of the team that was, is and will be working predominantly on the PC version of the game. It is an addition we decided to have, because of the options it gives us and the extra players we can reach. We want as many people possible to enjoy Ylands and experience it in one way or another. But if mobile isn't your cup of tea, I absolutely understand and there is no need to ever think about mobile. The game will keep getting updates and new features as always regardless of the mobile platform. Hope this addressed some of your concerns.
  10. Adam Snellgrove

    Contest Mobile Game Creation Drive

    Bumped up the winnings ? Hopefully, this will be more motivational now ?
  11. Adam Snellgrove

    UNDER REVIEW [YLD-18955] That sinking feeling

    Also the save file would be mega helpful.
  12. @ApexReaper - Gaming How'd it go? Any luck getting the output_logs?
  13. Adam Snellgrove

    Contest Mobile Game Creation Drive

    Well as I mentioned before, that will also be the case, as the best ones will be featured prominently on the first page of Mobile Ylands and all maps made before release will be played extensively upon release, because thise will be the only ones there ? And as to the use of Coyns, there will be many more ways of using them after release and release isn't far away, so I'd start hoarding ?
  14. Adam Snellgrove

    Contest Mobile Game Creation Drive

    Well the idea was, that Creators would like to make games for Mobile anyway and that we'll also put in a bit of extra encouragement to make making games a tad more interesting + the option of getting your hands on the mobile version of the game early + the chance to get featured as some of the best Mobile games upon release of the game and of the Mobile version to the public, but I am sorry if this doesn't motivate you ? It's an offer, that while you're making games, you can also get some extra Coyns out of it and our support in making them if you need it (though a bit limited, since we're also quite busy with polishing up the game for release and fixing her up for the grand opening ?) There will be a lot more ways of using Coyns in the future, so I do advise on hoarding them a bit ?
  15. Adam Snellgrove

    P1's Monthly Game Jam for Ylands -- 1000 USD prize (shares)

    The money had been transferred a week ago. Should be with you for some time now.
  16. Adam Snellgrove

    What happened to this great game?

    Well I have tried to address this in a few of the latest Dev Diaries: Explore isn't going anywhere. In fact all the big features now being added before final release and with final release will be especially Explore orientated. We have added other aspects to the game, because we have greater plans for Ylands than just being another survival game, but Explore will stay at the core of Ylands with all other features first being tested and implemented into Explore. We have decided not to add Explore into the Mobile version, because we didn't want to compromise Explore for the sake of the Mobile platform. We want it to be the big sprawling map with many secrets and enemies to fight instead something watered down for the Mobile community at the expense of our PC community. As with bugs, I have mentioned before, that there was a communication problem in the past, but I hope with me coming on board this has disappeared, since I try and answer all questions and feedback and follow up on bugs. Bugs are another big aspect we're concentrating now before release, as we are cleaning up and fixing everything up before release. There's more info here about Bugs and Explore: https://ylands.com/community/topic/25354-dev-diary-93/ https://ylands.com/community/topic/25565-dev-diary-95/ https://ylands.com/community/topic/25672-dev-diary-96/ Also look out for tomorrows Dev Diary, where we'll discuss other new features coming into Explore. Hope this has answered some of your worries and that you'll give us your vote of confidence in the future. And thank you for writing in, because we do care about any Feedback and Ylands thrives on feedback from our loyal players. Without it Ylands wouldn't be the game it is today ?
  17. Adam Snellgrove

    0.14: Playful Platform (05/09/2019)

    I know! I have requested this as well and the guys are working on it ?
  18. @bojo2736 I actually have some news on this! So the team found out (and this will sound bizarre), that the nr. 1 reason the servers grew slower and slower was, that animals fell through the ground sometimes and tried to find a way back up, but they couldn't. And the more animals fell through, the more animals were trying to find their way up again, which put considerable strain on the servers. Now we are fixing it and it should be part of the next bigger update. Hopefully, this will increase server survivability considerably, but it'll be a case of looking for the next big thing, that slows down servers when this gets fixed.
  19. output_log file and output_log_clean, you can find them in the directory \Program Files(86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Ylands\Ylands_Data But they have to be extracted after the unsuccessful login, because every time you restart the game, the output_logs start from the beginning. Let me know if you found them.
  20. Adam Snellgrove

    ship stuff by zarwil

    And I am following up on this (but it'll probably just be another 'working on optimalization' answer ? but I heard they are making quite some progress in this, so hopefully soon we'll see a lot of these problems falling away).
  21. I am already planning a competition for this, but maybe in a couple of weeks, we have our hands quite full right now ?
  22. Adam Snellgrove

    Contest Mobile Game Creation Drive

    We are working on that and should be fixed in a couple of weeks. We are working on long term solutions, that will serve us even after release.
  23. I updated the name with all the issues reported here and I am following it up to see, what has been done about it.
  24. Adam Snellgrove

    ship stuff by zarwil

    Oh okay. I'll make a forum post about it anyway, so we can track it better ? EDIT: I have updated a previous topic with all the relevant bug codes, so you can remind me there again, if it takes too long (but I have reminded the team about this and hopefully something will get done in the coming weeks/months).
  25. Adam Snellgrove

    0.14: Playful Platform (05/09/2019)

    Changelog 0.14.1 Hey there Ylanders, Just a very short update on today's hotfix. We've added account linking to allow players to link their steam accounts to bohemia accounts and use them on the upcoming mobile version. This will be available to players in a beta form hopefully tomorrow and you'll hear more about this later on today. Other than that we have pushed through some fixes you'll see further on. THE_LINE.png FIXES [YLD-18957] Fixed: Two-handed items no longer levitate during ragdoll. [YLD-19111] Fixed: VS: adding script to entities which can be mined did not work [YLD-19104] Fixed: VS: Editor: "Set sprite" tile can break a game [YLD-19019] Fixed: VS: "Widget children count" could not be used in expressions [YLD-18970] Fixed: Editor: damage multiplier did not work for animals. [YLD-18657] Fixed: UI Editor: "Paste transform" does not have to undo step Tweaked: Moved cumulus clouds a bit higher into the sky in the Playlands scenario, so that they don't flow through the scene. [YLD-18466] Fixed: Game name in Current/Previous game in the friends panel was not translated. [YLD-18466] Fixed: Playlands in friends panel would not get translated [YLD-18690] Fixed: Friends: If you dismantle your clan, friends screen doesn't update [YLD-18655] Fixed: If you invite a player to your clan and that player is in a different clan, you can no longer invite them again if they reject. [YLD-18690] Fixed: Friends: If you dismantle your clan, friends screen doesn't update [YLD-18674] Fixed: Server auto-restart notification contains {0} instead of seconds. [YLD-18680] Fixed: cannot teleport player or animals via Editor [YLD-18672] Fixed: animals will able to apply damage to you in PvE again