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Adam Snellgrove

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Posts posted by Adam Snellgrove

  1. Hey there Ylanders!

    As you might have noticed, some new goodies have landed into Ylands a couple of days ago. The Goodie Pack #2 is here to shorten the wait for the next big update and yet again brings some pretty neat additions to the Ylands ecosystem. First of all the theme of this Goodie Pack was Ancient Egypt. Whilst last time we directed our attention to the wet Atlantean Empire, this time we ended up in the dry sandy lands of the Pharaohs. 


    But before we started figuring out, what new to add, we had to address our good old friend The Mummy. A staple in Egyptian mythology and modern pop-culture, we added the mummy years and years ago...and he hadn't aged well ? So we decided to change his bandages for some cleaner ones and give the old chap a proper makeover and the outcome is pretty good in our opinion ? And what's more, we have also added a Mummy Wraps Set, so you can now pretend to be a mummy too ?

    But there are plenty of new items in the game now too, like the Bronze Weapon Set featuring a cool axe, a couple of spears a staff and a knife. To complement this, we have also added a Bronze Armour set. For the Creators out there we have also added a new Sandstone door for those old dusty crypts ?

    But the stars of the show, of course, are our new monsters, the Horus Avatar and Anubis Avatar. These new enemies will be a challenge for every tomb raider or daring archaeologist. Towering over the player they radiate power and strength and their attacks are devastating.

    But Explorers, do not fret! For this update is for us as much as for you, because now we can take these assets and start working on implementing them in exciting new Random Encounters and Adventures for update 1.5 so very soon you'll be able to meet Anubis and Horus in your own travels and fight the Mummy when you get a runny nose ?

    And last but not least, we also fixed some pretty annoying issues and you can find more about it in our changelog ?

    And that's it for now, but keep your eyes peeled on this space because there are rumours of a certain competition starting soon ?

    So until next time, stay classy Ylanders.

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  2. 14 hours ago, kimbuck said:

    " disappearing  items when placed"  glitch

    We are actually working on this one and should be fixed by 1.5 ?

    7 hours ago, kimbuck said:

    too  tired  hungry  and   angry to  send logs

    I think we have more than plenty to go on now. I've been logging in every log you sent and the programmers are going to read through them and try and find out, what is going on. Thank you for your heroic effort ?

  3. We continue with another themed package of assets after Atlantis, this time expanding the Egyptian theme. New enemies and mummy wraps set enable you to experience some serious tomb raiding, bronze armor and weapon set to let you arm yourself as the warrior of ancient empires and all these are also getting ready to enter the Exploration world in Update 1.5 ?

    New Assets

    Horus Avatar & Anubis Avatar enemies
    Bronze Weapons Set (axe, two spears, staff, knife)
    Bronze Armor Set (helmet, chest, legs, boots)
    Mummy Wraps Set (chest, legs)
    Sandstone Doors (regular, big, large)
    Flat seamless basic shapes

    Tweaks and Improvements

    Mummy reworked


    [YLD-25991] Fixed: Editor: Game Logic panel - filter dropdown missing translations
    [YLD-26411] Fixed: VS: "Screen shake" did not work when no sound effect was chosen
    [YLD-26108] Fixed: VS: Firing cannons through script did not work
    [YLD-26351] Fixed: VS: Removed random puzzles visible in the background of the left panel
    [YLD-26125] Fixed: VS: disappearing texts when renaming variables or changing literals
    [YLD-25735] Fixed: Editor: rotation widget did not always show the nearest octant to the camera
    [YLD-26304] Fixed: Editor: saving could stop to work when you tried to save a game through the menu panel.
    [YLD-26184] Fixed: Editor: animated objects in the animated group were not always animated in exported game.

    And more...


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  4. 13 hours ago, kimbuck said:

    Another day   another log file. 

    Tried 5 times to  enter P1  game ...  same  message   unable to connect..

    Logs  etc  as usual




    This isn't server maintenance though, right? This is something else? Not being able to login at all? We always need a short summary of what happened, so we know where and at what to look for ? And thank you for the logs.


  5. 8 hours ago, kimbuck said:

    Another  day      ummmm  well   took 10 minutes to  connect  and another 10 minutes loading  in  ..was advised there had been a server  shutdown for maintenance  just before i arrived... time my  zone...  9:40  am

    time now ....10:20 am   guess what ? logs attached



    Can't guess. Was it again server maintenance? Because that should be fixed ? In that case it has to be because of something else than we first thought...

  6. Hey there Ylanders!

    While we are finishing up work on our small 1.4.1 update and also while working on our big 1.5 Exploration update, we thought we’d share a few good news snippets with you ?

    One of them being, as you might have noticed on various Social Media, that we won a couple of prizes ? At the 2019 Czech Games awards, which got postponed because of the covid situation, we managed to win not one, but two categories ? First one being the free-to-play category for the creative freedom we give every player interested in building and creating and second for best technology solutions, mainly for our Visual Scripting tools and overall powerful Editor. We are of course very proud of our hard-working team and humbled to receive such awards, but it is also because of your help and feedback, that we got to this stage, so thank you too ? But as we said in previous Dev Diaries, this in no way means, that we are done or that we are satisfied, but rather, that we want to get better and better, especially now with our big plans surrounding Exploration.

    Here are the awards themselves, though unfortunately, they are only in Czech and without subtitles.

    And second good news we have is, that while normally we keep the biomes of Ylands in china and Western Ylands separate, the Creators there are creating a huge amount of some truly spectacular games and projects, so we got together with our friends in China to port some of these games to our Workshop too, so you can try them out and enjoy some really ingenious games. There are a few on the workshop now, that you can try right away, but we’ll be getting some more in down the line. But this won’t be a one-way street, because down the line after some of our competitions, that we are very close to announcing, the best of the best from our Workshop will be invited to share their Creations with our chums in the East and maybe at some point we could do a competition between the two Workshops ? But that’s for another time.

    So until next time, stay classy Ylanders ?

    P.S. You can try out the games here:






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  7. So our backend guys and our programmers have probably found the culprit (of the server maintenance bug) and while a proper fix will be present in update 1.5. they figured out a workaround fix, that should now be live. So hopefully you shouldn't be getting kicked by the Server Maintenance error anymore. The logs were crucial for this and it is because of them, that they found the problem, so thank you very much @kimbuck and @bobo198312 for sending them. Regarding the white screen and long loading times, we are still investigating this.

  8. On 9/25/2020 at 10:07 PM, YadNiMonde said:

    Also, i, as a humble player since 2017, would really like to point that out to @Aleš Ulm and @Adam Snellgrove so they can check those two wonderful online experiences @Spyler and @Christalle have created for our pleasure with all the love they have for this game (and it dam nwell shows)

    We know, they are absolutely awesome ? 

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  9. On 9/28/2020 at 8:28 PM, Jeff Vaughn said:

    Three years later, the bug still exists. Case in point. A paid server where i fell through and took a screen shot while falling.




    This is probably by now a new bug I'm afraid ? If it happens again, could you send us the output_logs? You can find them here \Program Files(86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Ylands\Ylands_Data

