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Posts posted by jchob

  1. 2 hours ago, Aplem said:

    How's it going! I've ran into a wonderfully inconvenient issue that has completely halted progress on weeks of work and potentially corrupted and ruined it. Every time I click on a new entity it will proceed to stack these on one after the next and they are completely empty. This has been causing the editor to unresponsive and I have to force quit the game as it gets stuck in the visual scripter. I have already lost hours and hours of progress due to this issue and now, simply put, it won't go away. Restarts fixed it once and now they don't.


    As you can see on this wonderful image, this happens every time I click on an entity. Entities that aren't even related cross over these empty boxes of nothing. The worst part is, even upon clicking into the entity that has info stored, those boxes with the clocks(??) still stay there. Unmoving, unwavering, taunting and laughing.



    Any input would be greatly appreciated as this is the furthest I have made it on a project of mine and now at this rate i'm just demotivated to even keep playing Ylands. This experience has just left me broken because during my time in quarantine this is what i've been focusing on.


    Thank you!

    No, I've never seen that before. But after this new update 1.2, Editor UI was updated and totally changed. Maybe is because of that. 

    @Adam Snellgrove @TomasGestinger can you check this? 


  2. 5 hours ago, TheSparkPlug said:

    He/she has just as much right to be here as you... and they have a right to voice their grievances.

    Looking at the change log above, most of the improvements are editor based, and have no bearing on the explore game... which @Horemvore is clearly playing.

    Feel free to understand as you want.

    I personally don't like complaining people. People must learn to also be greatful for the great things, but humans decided to just point and complain about what is bad and forget to thank about the good things. 

    Imagine if we all decide to drop down here screaming and complaining... 

    When you find a bug don't complain. Help developers team by let them know what is going wrong. That is the way to help.

    With all respect, no he/she doesn't have the same right as me to be here, if the purpose is to scream nonsense things.

    By the way, this update looks good corcerning exploration stuff. Yes, it's true he/she found something that doesn't work. And so? The step is inform what the problem is, not start a "screaming baby mode". 

    This is a community, and as a community you need to know how to behave inside of it. You don't like? Step away then. 

    I'm not going to keep with this conversation. 

    With respect, have fun. 

    • Like 1

  3. @HoremvoreI'm with BobSalvador: why are you complaining about such a tiny detail? Instead of complaining, you should be doing a bug issue post and be greatful about all other stuff that the update brought.

    Another thing is, I haven't seen your name actively in forums, and you come here to complain? I'm here about for 1.3 years and I still see stuff to be fixed and I don't complain. Me and others try to help with spotting bugs. They have testers, but whoever plays a game is the best person to spot issues, troubles, bugs.

    I don't like everything in the game but I also don't dislike everything. Instead of complaining to them, I show my position and why I like/don't like. I just don't come here screaming at them. 

    With all respect, best regards. 

    • Like 1

  4. On 3/18/2020 at 10:49 AM, PercyCreeper said:

    Hi, I wanted to ask you how you Made the biomes for the Ylands, because I also want to make a little open world game with Unity, but dont know how to make biomes. 

    Not sure how ylands system works, but in general, to crate a open world, to generate maps, there is a technique called procedural generation. 

    Just Google or YouTube for unity procedural generation map. You will get a lot of tutorials. 

    I sometimes like to play with Unity but I just make very simple stuff. 

    Hope that helps on your path ?

    • Thanks 1

  5. Water edit and taming and riding animals? Are you fooling us? ? 

    I hope I can ride an ostrich or a boar. Maybe now a  real animal racing will be "possible" (I know I know it's possible with horses, but don't feel much fun) 

    And I hope they have different velocity

    Can't wait ? ?

  6. Adam, I think you don't have to ask on every page. I think you only need to ask for the first page the person enters. But I'm not sure how law is actually. 

    For example, maybe a timer that seeks the person if person is idle (30 min or so) on the website, then show the notification. If the person keeps active in the website, I think you don't need to notificate every page. 

  7. 3 hours ago, Indomitus said:

    You're better off using a variable inside an Entity Storage, with one storage for each player.  If a player leaves, you would have to manually adjust the array to keep everything lined up.

    True, I would go with the storage. As he doesn't know how to make a script, that was just a basic idea ?

  8. You need to consider first, if the kills is only shown to that player, or if each player can also see the other players kills.

    Is the target destructible or it just get hits for scoring? Etc etc

    Anyway, a solution would be having an array in which you store all kills, remembering that array.Index[0] is for player 1, array.Index[1] is for player 2, and so on. 

  9. If you want, write down your ideas or "problems", and some of us will try to help you on your path. 

    I believe Tomas already answered some of your questions, but any further question, dont hesitate to ask. 

    Good luck on both laser game and dungeon crawl (we are waiting for update 1.2, there will be new monsters and other stuff like runes that I think they are perfect for a dungeon crawl...

    "and suddenly you hear a enormous sound and you can't even imagine which feracious enimal awaits you on the other side of the door. Will dare you?" ?

    • Like 1
    • Upvote 1

  10. 32 minutes ago, exactlytheBen-2558f0b8217dc7a7 said:


    so I bought the game right when it came out and I had a lot of skins. A bought some for the "coyns" and some were free. I remember the X crossbow skins and swords and the hoplite armor and stuff. But now, I installed it and lauched it again like 4 days ago and almost all of the skins are gone. I can't see them in the store anymore so my question is: Did you delete them or should I have the skins? 
    My Ylands nickname is: exactlytheBen

    Thanks for answer.

    I think I've read somewhere on forum that weapons skins were removed. I'm not sure about it, tho and can't remember where did I saw it. 

    @Adam Snellgrove

  11. I may up vote this one too. 

    I always try to make my scripts independent of the map. So, I use a lot of functions and they able be more free movement when I place my Logic compositions on new maps. 

    Altough, any global storage in a comp is always replaced, that is why I play with instructions. Hope it makes sense ?
