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Posts posted by jchob

  1. 12 hours ago, Cernu said:

    However, because bows will get a rework in 1.5, it might be possible to add natively this feature ?

    Yeah i would wait for it to ve implemented, as we dont know what really is coming up.

     My idea sounded good when written. But now i'm thinking about it, perhaps its not an easy script ?

  2. Grenades havent been used because people are affraid to use them. I dont really think they are that innacurate. Lets see how those improvements will work ?

    I have a map with custom electric fences (gates made out of impassable barriers) which can only be destroyed by greanades. Also, in the mini-game im making im trying to make use of them, but using the throw tile is giving me wrong aiming/distance, maybe due to my system. (I'm not using the normal hand throw).

    On the other hand, bows needed those improvements.

    Great to hear it ?

  3. searching tiles needs a lot of work. Im pretty sure the search has been modified with 1.4 update. The way I used to search some tiles, are not shown anymore.

    For example, i search for "template" and it would only show the tiles with "template" word.

    Now, i have to search for "spawn" and it shows all spawn tiles with "template", "entity" and "logic". That makes me loose some seconds to spot the tiles that I want (spawn templates).

    That being said, for that specific, i would want to be able to search "spawn entity" or "spawn template".

    • Upvote 2

  4. Hey Adam, some days ago i found a video from earlier 2018 i think that was called Q&A. That video is from some months ago before i started playing ylands and join the forum. I'm glad that many stuff BI team said was going to implement it is actually in-game. So, my suggestion is to do the same. Look around community questions and they could answer to the most pertinent questions/suggestions.

    I know this is a hard time due this situation, but would be cool to see a office tour while they are working and what they are doing (of course without spoilers).


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  5. I think it would be interesting if we could spawn a npc which is the clone of the player's character (genre and physical aspect)that is going to play the game. So yiu can make short story videos.

    Hope that makes sense. Tell me what you think ?

    • Upvote 5

  6. 3 hours ago, Mello1223 said:

    @jchob I also have enough of my problems, but I won't let anyone make me a thief!!! I don't care if red have problems with yourself, let them solve them at some doctor, and not in this way!!!

    I understand, but it's sad to see a post like this

    • Like 1

  7. I've just quick read the first lines and i dont need to keep reading.

    It is a non sense to make this public.

    I have my own life problems and work to stress me out. I dont need it in ylands.

    It does seem i'm in real life. If this is the path you are going, i will gladly step out and just leave

    So, for the god sake, any Admin just delete all this thread and go discuss in private.

    What a disappointment...

    • Upvote 4

  8. you are crazy man. That's a lot of working you have been put into it.
    It is relevant to say that this man is creating the game alone and still has time to help players on their questions. You have my full respect ? 

    The cinematics you create with custom cameras and also with effects are amazing.
    I would buy myself one Mr.R for christmas. Did you teach him to go freezer and grab beers to the master? ?

    Can't wait to play the final version.

    Keep up the good job

    • Thanks 1
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  9. well, you can make it via scripting, but you would need to make everything by hand.

    For example

    If get active item type = sword_1 OR sword_2 OR sword 3....

    variable playerEquipDoubleEdge = true

    If get type = kife_1 OR knife_2 OR....

    variable playerEquipSingleEdge = true

    Then, listen for melee attack and check which variable is true and then perform the damage you want.

    On melee attack

    If playerEquipDoubleEdge = true

    damage target 200

    If playerEquipSingleEdge = true

    damage player 100

    This is just an idea you can try

    • Thanks 1
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  10. What do you mean by classes? Warrior, Ninja, etc etc? If so, you can use skills like Shadow said,

    or you can use entity storage.

    For storage, Set up all possible things as variables inside the entity storage (str, vit, dex...). Create a variable called "class". This will be a string

    Then create something to set which class player has choosen

    For that, on entity storage make some instructions called Warrior, Ninja, etc and then you can change specific attributes according to the Class

  11. @knightwar that is a good thing to hear. I'm glad you learnt ?

    As I said before to you, if you are cool with people they will be cool with you.

    In some posts I saw you have good ideas, but the problem is that you were demanding them to make them and talking like a *jerk* (sorry for the bad word, but it was true)

    Just give your suggestions in a good manner.

    Also, some ideas you have, you can make them in editor if you learn scripting, and you will see it is fun.

    There are some communities in ylands, but here on forums we are all one community to make the game pleasant for everyone.

    Have fun ?

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  12. @NaruTheHuman sorry to tag you, but you are tha man ?

    first question: 

    I have a script that blinks "labeled entities" every "1" second (time trigger). In that "each tick" it runs through an array of colors (around 10 colors).
    [ By the way I couldn't figure out how color lerp in ylands work even after i researched about color lerping. It just goes straight to the "last color". ]

    That being said, are you saying it is better to get rid of time triggers and make a recursive function with a delay inside, instead? 

    Second question:

    Would you have a trigger zone spawning at target's position to perform actions and despawn it after (so i can see which players are inside the area) or would you use overlap tiles?
    Let's say, turret shoots at the player and a trigger zone is spawned at that "target position" and make "bullet MOVE TO target's position". Inside "bullet ON Movement end" I despawn each trigger zone respectivly.
    I think trigger zones can get confused if "On Enter and On exit" occurs at same time especially if you place delays inside (yes, I know I can make some scripting tweaks to avoid that).

    The question is: would you get rid of trigger zones (thus less logics in the map) and instead use the tiles Overlap for this? Because on "bullet movement end" I can call a circle overlap for example, get an array of overlaped entities and check if there are any players inside that overlap array? Because this is not for only 1 enemy shooting, so it will end up with like 10 enemoes and let's say 2-3 bullets moving for each enemy.

    Hope this last question makes sense.

    This was an mazing video. We know about limitations but we also want to make a lot of cool stuff work together.
    Many times the culprit is the script and work flow itself but also the ylands limitations.

    So, I leave the suggestion to make ylands process animations/effects more effectivly. You know we need a better performance.

    As you've seen, players are getting better and better at building and scripting because Editor+scripting is so awesomwe that we are trying to make more than ylands let and it's a shame sometimes we cannot put all together.

    This was all while I stopped video at 14 minutes. So, expect more questions  ?

    Thanks crazy hair man ?

    • Upvote 1

  13. why? What are you affraid off? If any entry is a noticeable copy/steal of any other entry, it will be disqualified.

    Furthermore, i'm pretty sure P1 is going to submit more than one.

    That being said, I see no reason to keep secret ?

    It's pleasing to see what people is making and their progress. I joined last ylands official stream and it was fun to see games working. Also, it was fun to play some games along Adam (for example, if my memory is correct, a game called "Lockford")

    • Upvote 1