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Nikki Severin

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Everything posted by Nikki Severin

  1. Nikki Severin

    RESOLVED Account problem

    So we see that your "Ruborio" account indeed had the DLC and now it doesn't seem to be connected to Steam ID. Are you using a different account now that we could give the DLC and coyns back to?
  2. That's very strange indeed. Let us have a look at this issue.
  3. Hey! Sorry for the late response, could you send me your game logs? We'll have a look and see what's happening to you guys!
  4. Hey there, Ylanders! While polishing and reworks are in full motion and 1.8 is coming along very nicely, we want to show off another new feature! Speaking of showing off, we want you to be able to show off too, which is why we are bringing Achievements! Achievements are a form of in-game milestones, which you can obtain by completing certain tasks. It can be a matter of exploration, crafting, fighting or anything else really. These Achievements will only be a part of Exploration and we hope that PC players will be happy to hear that these will be connected to Steam so you can earn in-game and Steam Achievements at the same time! To keep things interesting, there will be two kinds of Achievements in terms of how much information you get about the tasks you need to perform. One type will tell you what you'll need to do to receive this particular Achievement, while allowing you to track progress on that Achievement. And to not ruin the surprise, several Achievements will be hidden until you've completed them! And to make showing off your Achievements easy, you will find Titles alongside some of them! Titles will be displayed next to your nickname in messages, menus and of course, in the game! There will be plenty of them to choose from, even though not all Achievements will come with a Title. That's it for this week, everyone! Stay classy, Ylanders!
  5. Nikki Severin

    RESOLVED Account problem

    Hi there! Please let me know your nickname in the game and we will get it back for you. So sorry this happened!
  6. Nikki Severin

    my friends list is gone 

    Hey! This should now be fixed! Let me know if you're still having issues!
  7. Nikki Severin

    Dev Diary #192 Working the Stations

    Hi there, fellow Ylanders! With the Competition already announced it‘s time to get back to talking about some of the improvements you can expect with update 1.8. We‘ve already said in the past that in this update we are putting a lot of effort into implementing things that you asked us to add, fix or improve. We had a lot of streams where we discussed various ideas you came up and now it‘s time to show that we value the time you spent with us. Let me now mention two more things you can expect in 1.8. You complained about confusing workstations and the fact that you have to switch between tabs (or they switch confusingly on their own) while using these workstations. This has been fixed and while we were at it, we made the workstation crafting more intuitive and responsive. Oh, and before you ask - yes, you will be able to craft things in stacks, so it would be possible to craft many more of them at once! Another issue that many players complained about are items that are available in the Editor but can‘t be crafted in Exploration. Well, while we can‘t make everything craftable right away, I think you will find some interesting items that you will be able to craft from 1.8 onwards. That‘s all for now and as always - stay healthy and classy!
  8. Nikki Severin

    Season 2: Creator Guidelines

    Hey! Unfortunately not, you would have to come up with a way to direct the players to the spot you want them in
  9. Ready to start creating? Read on! We're created a few guidelines that can help you realize your vision and not make us have to change anything in your Mystery Yland for it to be added into the Exploration mode. For those unlucky few who haven't visited our Mystery Ylands yet, it can contain unusual terrain, dungeon, puzzle, combat pretty much anything you can come up with. Think about it as creating something that you yourself would love to encounter in the game. Be mindful about what the players can collect and take home from your Mystery Ylands. Try to strike a balance of a meaningful reward without drowning the player in loot. General design limitations: Mystery Ylands maps should contain only one small to medium sized yland. Mystery Yland must be playable both on PC and on mobile - do not base the gameplay on terrain modification and don't use scripted terrain modification events. Universal scenarios may be extended in size using the Enable Terrain Streaming option in Game Settings. Typically, Mystery Ylands are scenarios of size 15x3x15 (including the ocean). With this setting on, the memory indicator will take into consideration the whole scene in editor. This number does not reflect the memory load in-game, as the scene is drawn only partially. For best practices on optimization, see here. The terrain can be created in the editor as you see fit, however leave enough water around so other players can reach the yland on their ships. The map must be set to multiplayer game (Game settings - Local single player game - OFF) Other design limitations: Avoid using particles and colors with glow on items, that can be carried away from the Mystery Yland. We reserve the right to have these items removed from the scenario. Rewards granted for completion of the Mystery Yland may be discussed with us in a later stage of the competition. Avoid changing parameters (damage, resistances, price...) of items, that can be carried away from the Mystery Yland, beyond a reasonable scope. We reserve the right to have these items removed from the scenario. Testing of the Mystery Yland: You can upload the scenario to workshop for testing purposes as long as it remains hidden from the general player base. The testing scenario needs to be removed from the workshop prior to it's upload to the competition cloud storage. Putting editor created maps into Exploration unfortunately comes with some disadvantages scripting-wise. Here is a couple of things that you should avoid while creating Mystery Ylands so it works as you intended once it is added on the Exploration map: Player, objects in his inventory and objects on his ship lose their internal identification once player leaves the Mystery Yland or when player disconnects from the game. This means that you shouldn't reference specific IDs of these or identify them with Entity Labels or Entity Storages. All of these change when player leaves the Mystery Yland. Example: Locked door requires specific object to be placed somewhere and that opens a door forward. If the player would take the object into his inventory, left the Mystery Yland and came back, the script would no longer recognize the object and player would not be able to progress. Example 2: An attached entity storage/label to a player would lose it's information once the player left the yland or disconnected from the game. Avoid scripts that change the player character. Player can leave the Mystery Yland and the effect would remain active on his character even on other Exploration maps. Example: Giving player immunity to fall damage so he can survive a long fall. It is important to keep in mind that entities spawn into the world after game logics. Example: Do not reference an entity in Global Storage in an On Game Start event. Game logics and their effects on entities and players are limited in scope to the yland only. Example: Skills granted by a Skill Game logic will not persist on a player once he leaves the yland.
  10. Nikki Severin

    Season 2: Creator Guidelines

    Hey! We've updated the guidelines so as per the new guidelines, this would unfortunately not be allowed.
  11. Hey! Could you guys check to see if this is still an issue? And if so, could you please let me know which items are misaligned? Thank you!
  12. We'll definitely keep this in mind! Blueprints do need a rework!
  13. The progress is amazing!!! Keep it up, I know we're all super excited to come explore!!
  14. Oh wow! That is looking great and very funny ! Can't wait to see more progress!
  15. Sorry to hear that you're coming across some hurdles. But you are an incredibly talented creator and we all believe in you and cant wait to see the finished product!!!
  16. Nikki Severin

    Exploration Points?

    Hey! We can definitely have a look at exploration point use, will keep you posted! ? Thank you for the suggestion!
  17. Nikki Severin

    Dev Diary #191 Competition Details

    Hey there, Ylanders! The Creators Competition: Season 2 has officially begun! In last week's dev diary we talked about some general information about the competition but now that it's underway let's get into the details you absolutely shouldn't miss! Before you start Before you start creating your competition entry, make sure that you go over the rules to make sure you're eligible to take part in the contest. You can find the rules riiiiiiiiight here. Go through the Creator Guidelines, which describe the technical requirements and limitations that your Mystery Yland must meet. Once you decide you want to take part, don't forget to create a post on our competition forum section (some examples are already there!) While you're creating Update the forum post you created with screenshots, images, sketches, ideas and anything else you can think of so that others can see your progress and comment on it! Contact us for support and with any questions you might have Go see what others are working on! When you're done Make sure to read the Submission Guide so that you don't miss anything! Enjoy the fact that you successfully submitted your very own Mystery Yland! Wait for the winner announcement! During the whole competition, we will be helping you out and answering your questions, so don't hesitate to let us know when you need anything! Please allow for a possible extended time while answering these and other requests for the next three weeks, while Nikki, our community manager is on vacation. That's it for this week and stay creative and stay classy, Ylanders!
  18. Nikki Severin

    Season 2: Submission Guide

    Yes to both And although google translate can be a wonderful tool I would recommend finding another community member who will help proofread the translation for you ____________ Ano oběma A i přes to, že google překladač jmůže být skvělý nástroj, tak určitě doporučuju najít si mezi hráčskou kominutou někoho, kdo ti pomůže s korekturou angličtiny
  19. Wow!! This is looking amazing!! Can't wait to see the finished yland!!
  20. Nikki Severin

    Crafting Tree: Confusion

    Hey! I will ask about this
  21. Nikki Severin

    RESOLVED steam player needs help

    Hey! Thanks, I already reached out to him through steam
  22. Hey there, Ylanders! It's finally here! It's happening! Are you excited? Season 2 of the Creators Competition is finally about to start! We know you've been waiting for this and we are bringing you all the info you need regarding the second installment in the Creators Competition series. This time, the competition will be asking you to create Mystery Ylands. Let your creativity on the loose and hit us with a Mystery Yland we've not seen before and we'll reward you for it. So let's get to all the information! What do you need to do? Create an original Mystery Yland! When does the competition start and end? We're kicking off on September 1, when all the rules and information will become available. The competition will run for about 2 months, with the submission period ending after 6 weeks on October 17. The submission period will be followed by other activities such as social media competition. What can you win? $$$ prizes! We have over 7.000 USD worth of cash prizes! But apart from that, every Mystery Yland that will meet the quality standards, which will be published at the beginning of the competition, will get to become an actual Mystery Yland in Exploration! 1st place - 3.000 USD 2nd place - 2.000 USD 3rd place - 1.000 USD 4th place - 700 USD 5th place - 500 USD Who will be judging the creations? A panel of developers. We will have representatives from several different parts of the dev team. What are the judging criteria? We will specify the criteria in the rules which are going to be published on September 1st. But most importantly we will be looking for creativity and originality. Let us know what your questions are in the comments and we will make sure to answer them when the competition kicks off next week! Well, that's that for this week, Ylanders. We sincerely hope you are as excited about this as we are, because every day, we see your wonderful creations and we just cannot wait to see what you'll be able to create this time around. Stay classy and stay creative, Ylanders!
  23. Creator Competition Season 2 Rules Organizer The Contest is announced and organized by BOHEMIA INTERACTIVE a.s., with its registered office at Stříbrná Lhota 747, 252 10 Mníšek pod Brdy, Czech Republic, registered in the Commercial Register kept by the Municipal Court in Prague, section B, insert 9791 (Id. No.: 272 18 864, Tax Id. No.: CZ 272 18 864). Objective of the Contest The objective of this Contest is to create original Mystery Ylands for the video game YLANDS which will be available in the YLANDS game, all that in compliance with these Contest Rules. The Contest is announced as public and will be publicly announced at the official website of the Organizer (www.bohemia.net) and on the website of the video game YLANDS (www.ylands.com). After the final decision of the Jury, the results of the Contest will be announced on the above listed websites in the same manner as the launch of this Contest. Terms of the Contest The Contest is announced on September 1st at 09:00 CEST (GMT+1). Entries must be submitted no later than on October 17th at 23:59 CEST (GMT+1). The Winners of the Contest will be announced in November 2021. The Contest is open in the following categories with following prizes: Main Category (for the best Entry): 1st place 3,000 USD 2nd place 2,000 USD 3rd place 1,000 USD 4th place 700 USD 5th place 500 USD Participants and Rules of Entry The Contest can be entered by individuals provided that they comply with the following rules: they are 12 years of age or over, they are not employees or contractors of the Organizer, they duly meet all the Contest Rules. Entries All Entries have to be submitted by uploading them to the OwnCloud service on this link: https://cloud.bistudio.com/index.php/s/vkb9RwJWDGIyNCl and by creating a forum thread on the official YLANDS forum, within the Contest's subsection in which the Participant confirms the upload of all the required documents, as stated in the submission guide. The Entries must be in form of Mystery Ylands, which comply with the requirements stated in the Creator Guidelines. By submitting an Entry, the Participants: declare that they fully understood and agreed with these Contest Rules and that they are fully capable in participating in the Contest, represent and warrant, with respect to each Entry by the Participant in this Contest, that the Entry is the result of their own independent creation and does not contain any third-party works of authorship that have been used or copied without authorization or permission of their respective authors, declare that they fully understood how their personal data is processed, any Entry that is in breach of any of the foregoing representations and warranties or is otherwise in violation of these Contest Rules will be deemed void and automatically be disqualified from this Contest, agree to indemnify, defend, and hold blameless the Organizer and its affiliates from and against any third-party claims arising from or as a result of (i) a breach of any of the foregoing representations and warranties by such Participant, or (ii) a breach or violation of any of the other provisions of these Contest Rules by such Participant. Entries cannot be uploaded after 17th October 2021 at 23:59 CEST (GMT+1) unless the Organizer decides to extend this period. Participants can submit any number of Entries. All Entries must be original and previously unpublished. Organizer does not accept Entries that have been shared publicly prior to the announcement of this Contest. Once the Entry is submitted the Participant undertakes not to publish the Entry till the winning Entries are announced. Winning Entries then shall not be published unless approved in advance by the Organizer. General Content Requirements The content of the Entries must not infract anyone's rights, including any intellectual property rights or licenses. Entries must not contain any advertisement. Entries must not contain any obscene, offensive, or derogatory elements, imagery, or texts. For copyright reasons, no game asset should be created after or closely resemble an existing object protected by copyright law. Entries must be in compliance with YLANDS EULA. Although not mandatory, Organizer strongly recommends that Participants keep a personal record of their progress on the forum post, with drafts, photographs, renders, and / or sketches. Not only can this be exciting to share it in retrospect, but it can also provide extra security in the unlikely event of contested intellectual property. If a dispute occurs and there is no clear indication of original work, it may result in the disqualification of two or more Participants. Evaluation of Entries and Selection of the Winners The selection of winners will be handled by the Organizer. The selection of Winners and distribution of the Prizes among the respective Winners will be held by the Jury consisting of YLANDS development team members. The awarding and placement of the Contest Entries will be determined at the sole discretion of the Jury and Organizer based on free evaluation of the extent to which the individual Entries meet the Contest criteria. The decision of the Organizer and the Jury is final and binding on all matters relating to the Contest. The Organizer reserves the right to not award all places. Once the Winners are chosen, they will be contacted by the Organizer to provide the Organizer with necessary details for delivery of the prizes. If the Winners do not provide the Organizer with requested the details, they lose their entitlement to the prize they won. The Winners will be awarded 50% of the prize money when their Mystery Yland is published and 50% of the prize money 3 months from the date of publishing the Mystery Yland, provided they keep editing the game as requested by the Organizer for 3 months from the date of publishing the Mystery Yland. The Organizer will publish the eligible Mystery Ylands within 3 months of announcing the Winners, provided the Winners will keep editing the game as requested by the Organizer prior to publishing the Mystery Yland in the live game. By submitting the Entry the Participant grants the Organizer a royalty-free, non-exclusive, perpetual, irrevocable, transferable, assignable, sub-licensable, worldwide, unlimited license to use the Entry in the original, modified or adjusted form in any manner possible which the nature of Entry allows. The license is granted for the duration of economic rights to the Entry. The Organizer may demand the Participant to conclude a written agreement with the Organizer covering granting of the mentioned license. The Organizer reserves the right to request additional information and/or documentation from the Winners and ask them to adjust parts of the Mystery Yland prior to publishing the game in the live version of the game. Final Provisions Reimbursement of the expenses related to the participation in the Contest: All Participants enter and participate in the Contest at their own expenses; the Organizer will not provide any reimbursements besides the prizes. Applicable law: The Contest is announced and governed by the laws of the Czech Republic, namely but not limited to respective provisions of the Act N° 89/2012 Coll., Civil Code as well as by other provisions of relevant legislation. Conflict resolution: There may be no appeal against the decision of the Jury. The Prizes are not judicially enforceable. Withdrawal from the Contest: The Contest can be withdrawn from only for substantial reasons. Withdrawal from the Contest will be realized and announced in the same manner as the announcement of these Contest Rules. The Organizer reserves the right, to the extent permitted by applicable law, to terminate, cancel, modify or suspend this Contest, in whole or in part, if fraud, technical failures or any other factor beyond the Organizer’s reasonable control impairs the integrity of this Contest as determined by the Organizer at its sole discretion. In addition, the Organizer reserves the right to take down and remove any Entry that becomes subject to a third-party claim for copyright infringement or for violation of any other right. If the Participant breaches any of his/her obligations contained in these Contest Rules the Organizer can decide that such Participant loses his/her right to receive the prize he/she won. The Organizer reserves the right to modify the Contest Rules. In such event, the Organizer will announce the modification of the Contest Rules by means of notification on the Bohemia Interactive and YLANDS websites and on the official YLANDS forum.