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About DavidTBennett71

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  • Birthday 02/07/1971

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  1. DavidTBennett71

    More NPC Interactability

    Yes, I'd like to have some NPC that we could actually create our own village with. Maybe assign them some jobs or something....it's rare I meet another player on my settled Islands and kinda get lonely....the crabs and goats are nice and so are the vendors but I hope y'all will add more NPC in the future.
  2. DavidTBennett71

    Dev Diary #250 There be ghosts!

    Ah I see...thank you
  3. DavidTBennett71

    Dev Diary #250 There be ghosts!

    I still can't travel to other Tropical Islands and am stuck on the starter island
  4. DavidTBennett71

    Name change

    Sorry, I am late replying back but I logged in and just happened to click on my name and it gave me the option to change it myself on YLands. I thank y'all for helping me and for being so active on here...oh, and how do I change my forum name to TigerToad71
  5. DavidTBennett71

    Name change

    any way to change my Bohemia profile account name to TigerToad71 also?
  6. DavidTBennett71

    Name change

    I am sorry to come back and ask for this favor again, but I am removing my IRL name from all my social media and game accounts and I recently asked if y'all would change my YLands name to DavidTBennett71 and I would like to ask if yall will, please change that name to TigerToad71...this will be my last name change request. I thank y'all and while here I must say how much I am totally addicted to playing YLands exploration mode.
  7. DavidTBennett71

    Name change

    My current YLands name is BennettLXXI and I used my one name change, can y'all change my name to DavidTBennett71 for me please