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Everything posted by A3_Melle

  1. A3_Melle

    About the speed of ship

    The more masts you place the more speed you can get
  2. A3_Melle

    DEV ANSWER Fell through the map

    Break the cotton to seeds and plant them for 1 cotton plant you get 3 seeds, plants grow fast on Ylands, if you do that a few times you will have a big stack of cotton again (The non cheating option @Ane )
  3. A3_Melle

    Shallow water/Large Ship

    On 1 of the Ylands official missions you can see how they made their ships and docks, you do need to be in deeper waters, selecting the right locations is on some Ylands hard. You could always make your "underwater potion" on the alchemy table (with the right ingredients) or just dive for a minute: take a shoffle and dig the sand under the ship away and create a canal to deeper waters for the ship to go trew, this is what I did the first time I spawned my ship in shallow waters. Also wenn you go on adventure sailing around discovering new Ylands, be careful not to get to close with your ship as you can get stuck in shallow waters again, you could take resources with you to make a raft to get to the main Yland, the ship can sail in reverse but that is really slow.
  4. A3_Melle


    No their is no breeding yet, would really be great to breed some animals for resources, i know the Ylands dev team is working on the creatures/animals (rewriting every piece of code to start from the bottom) but i do not know if breeding will be a part of it.
  5. A3_Melle

    when you will be sendding Steam Keys

    @Aleš Ulm gives a brief explaining here:
  6. A3_Melle

    The stars

    Yes the stars are amazing, in the guide (hit esc and select the book) you can read a bit about it, I did read here that a compass will probablybe coming in the near future, especialy for navigation on sea that would help a lot (can't see stars during day time).
  7. A3_Melle

    Cant make a sewing kit

    your welcome
  8. A3_Melle

    Cant make a sewing kit

    Did you make a needle (out of bone or iron)? This is needed for a sewing kit.
  9. A3_Melle

    Cant make a sewing kit

    You need to place the yarn in the spinning wheel(cinderella story), after that you can make more items including cloth and sewing kit.
  10. A3_Melle

    Dev Diary #8

    It was kinda short to my feeling, but the impression was 200% it was short but the msg got trew, reactions were (besides the banter about some other BI games) positive! Compliments for your 5 minutes of fame! It made a very good impression
  11. A3_Melle

    Item Models

    It's a public wiki so everybody can contribute, you do need to be a registered user
  12. A3_Melle

    Item Models

    Little help for the other Ylands (Island) to find wenn going to sea: birds love to have land near them, look for birds in the air and go in that direction. And yes the Ylands do love to pop up last minute wenn you get close to them. The community Wiki did get a start by a community member, it was discussed recently again on the forums to pick that up again, there only were a small group of dedicated players the last few months, currently I have spend a lot of time on the dutch translation for Ylands, I might set that to a second track and try to pick up the wiki as first priority in stead of the translation.
  13. A3_Melle

    Game don't start

    @AdidasOldStar are you running on windows 7 for any chance? If so check out these threats
  14. ha ha ha not exactly server god @dwarden had 1 prepared already for a year now, it just needs some more tweaking, so in a way we also go acces to the early acces discord of Ylands
  15. A3_Melle

    Dev Diary #8

    Great trailer! the new features are looking amazing cant wait till a storm hits my Yland or to be driving around in a car
  16. @Aleš Ulm gave the answer here:
  17. A3_Melle

    Ylands at E3?

    @RaptorM60 is in San Diego with @Korneel and @Ylands developers Tweet Will Ylands be showcased at the PCgamer show?
  18. A3_Melle

    Ylands at E3?

    Been following a lot of Bohemia Interactive developers for a while now on social media, so i kinda know how things are done by now with the PR, and yes sometimes you need to play a good detective to read between the Bohemian lines.... especially with the ARMA3 team
  19. A3_Melle

    Dev Diary #8

    Ha great news! Can't wait to see the new trailers! That would also mean that we might be getting a large boost in the players/users on the forums and in game. #GoodNews And for the team in and around LA: Enjoy the stay! I am sure @Korneel will know some nice things to do and see
  20. A3_Melle

    Ylands at E3?

    I love the Bohemian "code of silence" ???
  21. Agree, it would also make it possible for players to communicate with VOIP in a "sever chanel". @dwarden can tell you how the experience is with the other bohemia discords
  22. A3_Melle

    0.4: Stylish Sharing (07/06/2017)

    Congratulations Ylands team, this is a great (massive) update! Realy excited about the scenario sharing, that's a big step fowerd in the direction for mod makers :-)
  23. A3_Melle

    A3_Melle Captains Log

    Date: Somewhere end of May / start of June 2017 Location: Unknown, but tropical. My name: A3_Melle (from the Netherlands) Entry 1: I washed on shore on this tropical Yland, not knowing where I am. Last thing I remember is my yacht getting struck by a big wave. This Yland has lucky for me enough resources to stay alive: 1) Water and food enough: fruits, vegetable and meat (even fish, besides the sharks in the ocean). 2) Resources like: wood, bamboo, iron, copper, rocks, clay and enough cotton to create clothing. I have created some boxes from bamboo to store some of my supplies of food, even though it is enough for several good meals I still try to eat only wen needed and making sure I get good vitamins and minerals. I have now started to create some tools to survive and build, a little shelter, first things first: I need to be careful looking for supplies as I noticed that some predators are lurking in my direction. For now I am creating some flat ground, and created some “work stations”, I can melt iron/copper ingots and dry the cotton and create cloths, even created an iron workstation, this way I can create some harder iron tools. Also when I took down the tree’s and bamboo I planted the new seeds, and I don’t know what is wrong with this Yland but it grows real fast even vegetables grow fast here, it must be the outstanding climate. Also I found an entrance of a cave, walked in a few hundred meters and found this strange green crystal, I have never seen or heard of it, so for now I will call it a Ylandium crystal, even in the cave there were some strange mushrooms who are giving light. I have been stuck for several days deep in the caves, I found some “blue crystals” but most strange was this that there were over 50 “mutated leopards” at the bottom of this cave, it was a big fight but I tried to take them on 1 by 1 in a ambush location, smart of me to take some food, tools Aloa vera and a sword down in the cave because it was all needed! And the strange thing was that the mutated leopards had mutated bones, to compare: it was a regular leopard with some greenish crystals on it (might be buy the Ylandium crystals I have found) Light was no problem, even though I had my torch there were these “glowing mushrooms” wich gave enough light to see a few meters around it. For now I killed over 60 mutated leopards in the cave, and for now I don’t see anything alive anymore, I have now gone back to the surface to unload my resources found in the cave. For now my learned survival skills from the past have been a real life saver so far, I got a big pile of wood ready to fire up when I see (or hear) a ship/plane/helicopter, also on a walk around the Yland I found out that I am not the first person here, I found some statues and even a shipwreck with some supplies (mostly meat and clothes), and in a far distance I can see bird flying around above the sea, so it might be possible that there is land near my Yland. For now this is my first entry and I don’t know when the next one will be, I am now building my bamboo fence to keep the predators out and I can catch some good sleep, instead of sleeping with 1 eye open next to a campfire. When the fence is ready I will be starting to build a shelter/house and I hope on and off to enter some more lines to the entry book. Greetings A3_Melle
  24. A3_Melle

    A3_Melle Captains Log

    @Mesh333 Yes English is my 2nd language, learned at school (to) many moons ago