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Everything posted by Ane

  1. Ane

    Sneak Peek #57

    Hey-o! I thought this week we could talk a bit more in detail about one of the features planned for one of the upcoming updates (possibly 0.11), so that you can already start looking forward to it I also thought it could be interesting to have, from time to time, some of the team members talk about the things they're working on, so that you get an idea of who works in Ylands and who's working on what. So this week we're having Tomáš, one of our designers, as a guest star He will be telling us about something that will take the level creation to a whole new level: the workshop compositions integration in the Editor. Let's hear what Tomáš has to say! Some of you may know the feeling: you enter the Editor, start a new empty scenario with this cool idea for a game, but first you actually need to create the assets for it. For a character to visit a neighbour's house and have a friendly chat in there, you first have to build the house. For a mysterious quest into an abandoned lighthouse, you first want to have the lighthouse ready before making the quest itself. And those situations repeat themselves and can get a little bit tedious, since at the moment you don't want to build, but rather work on something else. For those who know what I'm talking about, well, here's some good news for you. We will be introducing a workshop window inside the Editor. It will allow you to browse, filter, and use all compositions located on our workshop without the need to leave the game to the external website. With this new tool, you are able to quickly search for assets for your games, and creating new levels gets much easier. When you find a composition you like, you can simply click Download, it gets downloaded into your PC and you can start placing it into any game you are currently creating. So, if you want to concentrate on your quests rather than building, you can easily search for any composition made by someone else and have it in your level ready in a matter of seconds. Bear in mind that this is just a representation of how it will look like, the names/compositions are not real This is also handy when just trying features out or for quick prototyping. And eventually, when the user made database of compositions grows enough, you might be able to quickly create a level only by using premade compositions from the workshop, without the need to build a single structure by yourself. So that is it for this week! If you have any questions about this feature in particular, or any other thing in general, leave a comment below! Have a great sunny weekend!
  2. Ane

    Sneak Peek #57

    Eventually yes, but not before 1.0. In the end we want the players to be able to do everything from within the game, but uploading compositions and editing info about them will come at a later date This update will allow people to easily put in their compositions from the workshop without having to leave the editor. The composition creators (or, to be precise, those who want their compositions to be available to others) will still have to export them and upload to the workshop via website. This step will be implemented into the editor at a later time (not before 1.0).
  3. Ane

    Translation of Ylands

    I've edited the post, but I'll add the same info as a reply to make sure everyone sees it: A few months back we introduced French, German, Italian and Russian as official languages for the game. Since we plan on adding new official languages in the future (still not decided which ones), we're stopping the community translations for the time being. Thanks a lot to those who contributed in the past and to those who were interested in translating the game into their languages Thank you!
  4. Ane

    forum multiplayer

    I don't really see many people asking for others to play with on this forum here, but I've opened a new subforum on the Steam forums for that (I do see people asking there from time to time): https://steamcommunity.com/app/298610/discussions/3/ If in the future there's a need for this I'll open a subforum here as well
  5. Ane

    forum multiplayer

    You mean as a section on the forum?
  6. Ane

    Name Change Topic

    It's been done
  7. Ane

    Dishonored Game Harbour

    Cool stuff! Corvo would be proud
  8. Ane

    RESOLVED black screen music invisble action

    Just in case, make sure that you follow these 2 steps that are explained here:
  9. Ane

    What Happen To PA 4 Explore Server ?

    It's been restarted again!
  10. Ane

    RESOLVED black screen music invisble action

    Hello! Sorry about the issues you're having. Can you try going to the NVIDIA Control Panel and turning off the scaling options? That could do the trick. You've got a lengthier description here: https://steamcommunity.com/discussions/forum/1/1480982971174752598/#c1483235412209420930 Let us know if it works.
  11. Ane

    What Happen To PA 4 Explore Server ?

    We just restarted the server, can you see it now?
  12. Mm interesting... I do see the "About me"s... I'll ask and see if there's an explanation
  13. Ane

    RESOLVED Upload WorkShop

    I'll send you a private message
  14. Security Concerns We have noticed that many of you have shown concerns over some security issues brought up by one of the players, and we'd like to address those here for all of you to see. WHY WE'RE GATHERING ANY DATA AT ALL Let me start by saying this, which is probably the most important thing - all the data we're gathering are anonymous and are gathered for two purposes only: * to evaluate if/to what degree some of our marketing campaigns work * to get data on how the game is played and how it can be improved Also, the important thing to understand is that since we are based in EU, we're bound by EU legislature which is very strict when it comes to acquiring and handling any kind of data from users. WHAT IS SENT / WHERE IS IT SENT When looking at where data are sent, you'll notice these: Treasure Data This is the storage for the game data that we use. This helps us analyze what players do - so, for example, we can see what percentage of players use the game Editor, which game is the most popular and which is the least one, what is the most common cause of death of your characters. Knowing this is extremely important to us because it allows us to tweak and improve the game, to find weak spots and things that we designed poorly. Eventually, we'd like to send this directly to our servers, but it's difficult to say when this is going to happen. The fact that this is a major help for us in improving the game is the reason why "GATHER ANONYMOUS DATA" is turned on by default. To be completely honest - if it were opt-in, most people would simply overlook it or ignore it because many are not aware of how incredibly important this is to make the game better. Please note that many games are sending the same data we are but most don't give you the option to turn it off at all. Redshell [UPDATE: Redshell plugin has been removed as a part of a recent patch] This is a commonly used service that lets us (based on anonymized user footprint) see if those who bought the game came to the Steam store from some link below a Youtube video, from Facebook campaigns etc. It helps us see which marketing campaigns worked and which didn't - no game data are sent there at all. Once again - both Treasure Data and Redshell are solutions used by many developers and games (you can google them, if you wish). In both cases, all the data are anonymous and are sent to servers that only we can access. WHAT WE PLAN TO CHANGE / WHAT WILL STAY Because Redshell can't be simply turned on and off as the game analytics can and players seem to object to having it active, we decided to remove it from the game altogether. This was a very difficult decision. It will leave us basically blind when it comes to evaluation of any future marketing campaigns and make things much more difficult in this aspect - but even though, as I said before, this is a service used by many other games, we want you to feel comfortable and safe while playing our game. On the other hand, we decided to leave game analytics gathering as opt-out because of the reasons I wrote above. For a game like ours to have a clear idea what works, what needs to be improved, what is popular or what features players haven't even found in the game is so important that we're leaving the settings as they are right now. Yes, it means that when you run the game for the first time some data (anonymous statical data) will be sent even before you'll get the chance to turn this off. If for some of you this is unacceptable we'll be sorry to see you go but refunding the game will probably be the right choice for you. WEBSITE There have also been concerns about what our website collects. We took a look at it and you're right that it can probably be made better / some feature can even be turned off altogether. We'll go over it more thoroughly as soon as possible and make some changes. Let me end by saying this: there's nothing shady going on in our game nor our website. We, Bohemia Interactive, have been around for many years now, have made games played by millions of players and how we behave towards them can be easily found. We've always tried to stay as transparent as possible. That being said, we do mistakes from time to time, and when we do, we don't hide behind some generic posts - you've probably noticed that we're trying to communicate with you as much as possible (and those talking to you are actual devs) - we're talking to you about how to make things right. If there's more we can do, just let us know. Thank you.
  15. Ane

    Dev Diary #48

    Hi there, guys! This week we have some exciting news to share about Ylands! Earlier this week, Ylands won the "Serious Game Development Award" at a prestigious game exhibition, sponsored by the Chinese Central Academy of Fine Arts and the Chinese Cultural and Entertainment Industry Association! The premise behind this award was "How to combine games with education", and so our in-game Editor was taken as an example of how it could be used as an educational tool for game designers. And speaking of the Editor and what could be created with it... P1Gaming Community has just won a competition organized by Tencent, both for best builds and best creative games! Congrats, guys! You can tell how much effort went into it Check it out and be prepared to have your jaws dropped, because this is some impressive stuff! Good job, guys! You must be really proud Also, while I'm here, I'll sneakingly remind you that the other day I created a post where you can tell us about the most annoying Multiplayer issues you've experienced, or the ones that you know have been in the game for a while. Feel free to check it out and share your thoughts there. Here it is: https://ylands.com/community/topic/22382-multiplayer-issues And that's it for this week! We'll be back next week with some more info on the development of the game! Have a great weekend!
  16. Can you please attach your save game file in this thread here so that our team can take a look at it? Unfortunately I can't really give you an answer on how to prevent this from happening, since we don't really know why it's happening yet.
  17. Ane

    Sharegame password bug?

    The number asterixes are only illustrative, they do not reflect the actual length of the password (since we do not store the actual password). Bear in mind that the password is case sensitive - are you still having issues in this case?
  18. Ane

    Name Change Topic

    I'll wait until all the requests are done
  19. Just to clarify, the dying of starvation when being offline was an issue a while back, but it was fixed. This seems to be a new issue, you said you and your wife are playing in a sharegame? Anyway, we'll take a look at the issues you mention in your post, and sorry about the inconvenience.
  20. It's more of a post to compile known MP issues that have been affecting you for a while (so basically what we want to see is the issues that are the most annoying for you). If you encounter a new issue, it's ok to open a new thread for it
  21. The coyns have been sent
  22. In the directory \Program Files(86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Ylands\Ylands_Data
  23. Can you please attach your output_log and output_log_clean files?
  24. Ane

    RESOLVED Upload WorkShop

    You should be good now, can you please try and let us know?
  25. So you can see the games you subscribe to?