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Everything posted by ComR

  1. Again? New bugs again and no even one old bug fixed? Ok, that's enough. I'm waiting 7 days and then I request refund. Even if without money - just to show my mind status. :[
  2. Hello There, After Exploring update previously set key bindings stopped working. Yes, after few day this was updated, but key binding still doesn't work. Details: 1) All key bindings were reset and it's a pain for me, because I'm lefty and simply - I cannot play any game if arrows, "Ins, Del, End..." keys or, above all Numeric Keyboard cannot be custom set. After last hot fix it's possible to change a few keys more, but it needs tricks to make it work - you have to unbind ALL key bindings and carefully set. After restart - you have to bind every key manually once again. I tried to set .ini file "read only" - but it changed nothing. Please, tell me, where key bindings are saved? 2) Problems - first of all - numeric keyboard is always set to both: "numeric" and "Home, end, PgUp, PGDn and so on" - it cannot be changed - which is big problem for me, because I cannot us keys above arrows and numeric keyboard separately as I used to do. 3) I realised that after unbinding ALL KEYS and setting it as I like (except Numeric Keyboard) allows me to play game again. Problem is - it works only after 2-3 tries of setting keys again and again. 4) Even if I set all keys I like (except numerical keyboard which always doubles "Ins, del, end... mini keyboard") I can play happily until I have to restart game or game crashes - Then I have to bind all keys again... Please, repair it - it's after all the most important setting, especially for lefties. a) Also, Game shows set keyboard only after 2-3 resettings and it's not always true. This is most annoying... Please, tell me where keys are saved and allow me, to make it all manually, so I can save it as "read only". Old problems: 1) The longer you play, the slower game is - and soon game crashes. Probably memory leak? 2) "Do not loose your equipment on death" - does strange things - I have my armour, but I loose whole rest. And there is even more annoying thing beside looking for my corpse - If you die on your ship - most of your items land on the bottom of the sea, some on the ship and many - inside structure... So, to retrieve my stuff, I have to remove "anchor lever" and steering wheel to find small gold pouch. If you die in more complicated part of your ship or building - you have to destroy most of the building/ship or leave it and make new lost items. This is very annoying. And it's connected to problem 3: 3) If you die, your corpse is partially under your grave stone. Problem is - to retrieve items from below grave stone you have to destroy the stone or structure below... or both. It's a horror if you die in your home you were building for days... 4) THERE IS NO PAUSE - Even if I play solo only, there is no way to stop game for a while - to open "real" doors, drink a tea or eat something. You would think that "ESC" will stop the game - nope. So, the only way is to hide or climb something safe and... eat to be full. Problem is - you cannot eat enough. So, You have to leave the game, but if you do this - all your key bindings are lost again. 5) Please! Once for all note, that there are people who play the game solo only, so "Pause" isn't so big problem - you are just lazy! 6) NPC's selling things - You have only 5 slots for trade - it could be okey, but NPC's usually have no "free space" in their inventory and this is big problem - I cannot sell him enough items to get what I want, or, if I want spent whole day to buy gold from NPC and then buy anything from him for cash - I need many weeks... And I have to buy all items from NPC, or most of it, to be able to sell him stuff I have... Please, just make no limit of NPC inventory or make it bigger. In many cases NPC's have no room in their inventory and you can pay only with gold - It's ok, but annoying. You have to sell your work to NPC for weeks, one or two items a day, to make money to buy item for gold... 6b) NPCs after few transactions, steal from you and loose their equipment with simple error: "Transaction Failed!". Please, just make seller inventory much bigger or limitless - that would make NPC's working again. And please, make at least 6 trading slots not 5! Many items in NPC's shops are worth more than 400 gold, but most of trade items are around 70 gold per slot - 350. This is annoying, because you have not only make items for sale, but above all, you have to trade day by day bit by bit to gain enough gold to buy what you need. 6C) Please, add more free NPC's inventory slots - or make it limitless - so people would sell many, but cheap items without waiting for weeks, just to sell many cheap items to NPC! 6D) Please, make more trade slots than 5. Why only 5? Imagine pain of selling if you can make only clothing or collecting anything for the start! Especially if NPC cannot buy many cheap items from you, because NPCs have only 2, 3 or even only one free slot to buy anything from you - please, make NPC's inventory limitless, or at last 20-30 empty slots. There is no good reason to be able to sell only 3-4 slots of any items you have to sell. This is only forcing people to sleep by the NPC for weeks, only to sell many cheap items to gain enough gold to buy one or two items needed. Worthless high tier crafting: I was happy to see new metal - Zirconium (why not just Titanium?). I hoped that if I have all work stations and end game metal, I could make best rifle in the game and best pistol or best armour. a) Yes, you can make best armour with Zirconium. b) You can make gun and revolver, but... I was much disappointed when I realised that all my workbenches are useless, because found guns are much better that everything I could make. This is breaking the game. I love so many different weapons and tools, but allow me to "sell you" this idea: -Making end game tools and weapons should be possible to make (with rare resources). -Make steampunk (this is nice Idea, I love it, but it's useless - it's much weak) pistols. My proposition is: -Black powder simple musket and pistol - you could find - but, you should be able to make it: -Pistol: flint lock, wooden plank. Can be made in blacksmith. -Musket: flint lock, iron bar, two wooden planks. (can be made at blacksmith) -Smokeless Ammunition: 1x gun powder, 1x Cotton, 1x paper sheet, 1x Iron (we have no lead, pity, but we can use Iron) -Steampunk paper made ammunition: -Smokeless gun powder : 1x Gun Powder plus 1xCotton (maybe 2-3 Cottons) = Smokeless Gun Powder. - Ammo: 1xSmokeless Gun Powder + 1 Copper + 1 Iron (we have no lead) = 10 ammo. -Small Iron Barrel = 2 iron bars (at Blacksmith) -Long Iron Barrel = 4 iron bars (at Blacksmith) -Weapons possible to make at blacksmith: Simple, crude pistol: -Small Iron barrel, plank. Simple, Crude, Sixshooter (six barrels shooting at once): -3 small Iron Barrels, 2 planks (4 shooter). Simple, Crude musketon: -2xSmall Iron Barrels, 2xplanks (1 shot gun). Simple, Crude musket: -4xSmall Iron Barrels, 4xplanks (1 shot). Simple, Crude Shotgun: -6 Small Iron Barrels (6 barrel shooter), 4xPlanks Blacksmith simple works: -Iron Pole (iron bar, hammer), can be used as wood pole, but also: Iron bow (rope, 2 Iron Rods), Anchor... -Short Iron tube (Iron Bar, iron bar, hammer) - (iron bar - it's not lost) -Smoothbore pistol -Smoothbore arquebus -Two barrelled smoothbore shotgun. Locksmith: Simple rifled pistol: -1xSmall Iron Barrel, 1xSteel, 1xcogwheel, 1xplank (paper lead balls ammo) (small range) Simple revolver (short barrel): -3xSmall Iron Barrel, 2xSteel, 2xcogwheel, 1xplank (paper lead balls ammo) (small range) Simple, one shot rifled gun (one shot, one reload): -4xSmall Iron Barrel, 3xSteel, 3xcogwheel, 3xplank (2x paper lead balls per shot) (very long range) One shot (5 rounds in magazine), 5 shot rifled gun: -10xSmall Iron Barrel, 6xSteel, 4xcogwheel, 3xplank (Copper ammo) (long range) Revolver rifle gun: -6xSmall Iron Barrel, 6xSteel, 3xcogwheel, 1xplank (Copper ammo) (medium range) Long Range Kentucky Rifle: -10xSmall Iron Barrel, 8xSteel, 3xcogwheel, 3xplank (Paper ammo) (long range)> Long Range Sniper Rifle: -Weapons made in Locksmith: -One shot pistol - 1 iron tube (made in furnance) 1 plank -Repeating Gun - 3 barrels, 2 cogwheels. -One shot gun - 4 barrels, 1 cogwheel. Weapons made with Zirconium, steel and "magic" in furnance and blacksmith. -Fuse - rope and gun powder. Makes ten fuses. (could be use later together with bombs and barrels full of blackpowder. -Simple Arquebus: 2 Iron Barrels (made in blacksmith - or just two iron bars), 2 ropes, 1 gun powder (), 1 flint, 2 planks Endgame tools and weapons should be possible to made in blacksmith and foundry. Zirconium with steel and additions: ylandium, gold and crystals, should be endgame material. If you agree, I will write you my complete ideas - from ideas to complete, Game routines if you want. I just want to know if you would like to read it. I hop to be usefull. All The Best, ComR
  3. Thank you for your kind replies!
  4. Hello There! In short, what's good: At last we can explore more than 5 islands - superb - that is what we were waiting for! Thank you! In sort, what is wrong here: -I'm solo player, I do not like and do not wish to play multiplayer - So, please, let us customise our Exploring Game. Solo world - no Multi-Ylands. -Everything is going in good direction! Ylands Exploring in general problems: -In new Ylands even the best weapons crafted are much worse than items we can find. This is fun, but a bit annoying: I do not need to craft anything - I will be better if I explore more islands. That makes crafting zirconium weapons - useless (these are much worse than items we can find - especially fire weapons) - please, let us craft guns again and make zirconium weapons much stronger than simple steel items.. -NPCs and Sellers still are broken - you cannot buy many things, because "seller have to sell more to buy" - annoying and forces us to buy everything from NPC sellers, before we can buy anything - please, make NPC's inventory bigger... -There is no real enemies - this is ok with me, but I have found a bug: -At first I thought It's enought to find all Ylandium crystals from caves - that was reasonable, but there was no more enemies on the map. -Then I realised that maybe I can take all crystals but the Ylandium to allow mutated animals to appear - I was wrong. -Then I took all crystals and didn't kill any mutant animal - I was wrong again. -The hardest to kill mutant animals should leave you much loot - but it's not the case - mutant bears leave just two ylandium... -I hoped to build big ship, add animal pens... or big cages anf move animals I love to my base - no, it doesn't work. Why? Moving animals is a problem we discussed two years ago?? Maybe it would be nice to make it possible to span enemies (using devs console) and have some fun after we build big base? It would be nice if killed NPC's would leave us at least items they are using - for now we gain nothing for hard work in many cases. Enemies just die and disappear. My proposition is: -Let us choose if we want solo or multiplayer game. -Let us chooser how many enemy NPC's, sellers and animals are there - also - mutants every night. -Let us craft better weapons from Zirconium - found items are or superb or useless. -Please, return us the birds!!! It was so important! Now we can hear these, but cannot hunt them or just be happy to see them. I know the problem was collisions, but you just disabled collisions with all animals - so, you can bring us back birds! Birds are f... important for immersion and for life in Ylands. All The Best, Bart
  5. Hi, I see no problem, I proposed it months ago just because I hoped you will use it and make the game better. I'd love to propose you whole game problems/game ideas/algorithms/graphics (for free), just to help you make game better. You don't have to ignore me - I never wanted anything - I've sent you many ideas and I can send you whole game algorithms to make Ylands great. As I mentioned it long time ago I can offer you ideas for free long time ago. All I can offer you do not need redoing anything in the game and I do not ask for any payment. If you find my ideas worth anything later - I'd be happy to talk about it, for now I offer you my work and ideas for free - because I like Ylands. I just don't want to write into empty night. I wrote it so many times (for 3 years or so), so I'm a bit annoyed. No one never responded to me, so, I feel stupid. You are clearly not interested, thought you used my ideas. I offer you my help. Including graphics - game luck graphics tools. I'm sure people from P1 would like to help you make this game fully open world and sandbox. I'm sure you were talking to everyone many times. Are you blocked from making certain games? You were so close to make open world, sand box - and multiplayer at the same time. Why you stopped everything??? All The Best, Bartosz
  6. It seems that sailing and ship building is very important part of Ylands. Also, people are asking why we cannot move monuments or boats home? Or transport these by sea. If we had something like crane, so we can list the boat or monument and move with ship...
  7. Hi, And here we are... three years after I was fan of your game from the start, even before you were born - Bohemia Interactive was enought for me. The day I saw Ylands for the first time, Made my day.. days, months, years?? Simple mechanics, simple story, simple graphics - everything to make game bigger, to make game epic - Whole World or Whole Worlds even! It was dark and soooo deep: like Crusoe story from stone age to magic realm of unknown? Open World Game with survival elements, from stone age to... Crusoe (back then nothing was known) later to sci-fi world of electricity and sci-fi - underwater world, and above all underground world: Ghostst, magic and skeletons of dinosaurs... Ok, let's, skip it. Ylands from months to month was smaller and smaller, content was cut of every month (in short): -1st story (I was able to see) was very enjoyable Crusoe story and Treasure Island in one, with ghosts story planned in the future? You could hunt animals (but you didn't have to) and collect meat, bones and leather. You could collect bones, skins and... dinosaur bones... So, I hoped It will be pivited part of the story. And... I hoped you didn't have to kill any animal - and yes, it was optional. I do not want any refunds. I offered you few times my work for free - from graphics to algorithms. I'm sure you have better artists and coders, so... why you ... I don't care... You know, 3 years later I see latest compilation... For F...CK SAKE! You are selling Ylands in 2020 still with 6-8 small Islands as a separate game addition; ... Damn, I'm sorry, but I feel cheated and not only me... Or maybe I'm just an idiot? I deleted most of the letter - after all it's my poor understanding of your work. Yes, I believe you can do everything. I mean it. Tell me, why you left us just like that? 3 years from your work published and... you not only did nothing more - you removed all Birds (except oysters) , and later Sharks... You killed the franchise. Before it was born. Pity... Pity, I offered you whole modding system (based of simplifying existing game)... All The Best... Eh, All The Best, Bartosz, All The Best, Bartosz
  8. Dear Devs, 1) Please, let us destroy dirt and earth with hammers and weapons again. Many times, after digging, there are left-overs flying in the air and nothing can remove it. Earlier I was using war axe or better - spear (and FPP view) - to precisely hit floating item and destroy it. Not it's impossible... Additionally - we have no "blend" or "round" tool to terraform small parts of our work (if you don't want to use terraformer I mean). We have only shovel and spade. To make round slopes I used sabre or axe - now it's impossible. Please - make it possible again and make new tool - broom, so we could round or make slight slopes by removing small amounts of dirt. So: 2) Please - make new tool - broom, so we could round dirt or make slight slopes by removing small amounts of dirt. 3) Vicinity problem - it's was great idea and usually works well, but it doesn't work properly in these two situations at least: If something is even slightly below something, for example stick below leaf of fern - vicinity "cannot see" the stick. I tried it many times and experimented with it. Also if something fell below furniture for example - I can stand on it, I fan touch it with my feet, but I cannot pick it up, also "vicinity cannot see the item". This is very annoying. Please, make vicinity range a bit bigger and try to find out why items below other items cannot be seen, thought I can see it. 4) We should be able to hold gold coins and diamonds in our gold pouches... 5) Please, make barrels bigger... I mean - more slots in them - 12. Barrels and much bigger and costs much more... 6) It would be great to have smaller chests to fit small places and have a bit more variations of furniture. Maybe wicket baskets, but in box shape? 7) Please, make it possible to make planks with any axes too. Saw should be needed only for more complicated items. 8 ) Please, make it possible to make nails if you have hammer, anvil and iron bar. Nails always were simplest things made by humans - even without furnaces. 9) Please, make it possible to make barrels, seed boxes and dirt boxes only with planks and maybe ropes (barrels were made and still are made without any nails). It should be possible to make simple barrels (in fact barrels are made without any nails - as I wrote above), chests, ladders and doors without blacksmith. Furnace and anvil should be more than enough. Additionally anvil would be of any use! You should be able to make some items with hammer, anvil and iron only. Blacksmith and more complicated, iron tools shouldn't be needed to make simple things like seed box, dirt box, simple chest or barrel. I know why you did it, but still it's annoying - colour of ores! You should use correct colours, especially because you want children to play Ylands. A bit of education would be nice, especially if you have text tip on every bit of ore anyway. So: Iron ore should be red or red-brown (and you could make red die from it too - a bit of history again) Copper ore should be bright green. Only golden ore should be golden.. but, oh, wait? Is there such thing as gold ore? Maybe it should be dirt with shiny, yellowish bits in it? This is not hard to do, why not to make colours right? BTW. Savanna shrub gives only one seed - please change it. BTW2. Could you make desert long grass (yellow one), long grass (green long grass) and "normal" gras different seeds (it gives normal grass seeds, as well as long grass), so we could plant it anywhere we want, please? And regarding mushrooms... I love mushrooms... I know it's not particularly realistic, but maybe in the future you would consider extracting mycelium from mushrooms, so we could plant mushrooms as well? You know, I have to transport tons of mushrooms from island far far away... Salt from sea water and dig from mountains and pepper and chili plants would be great too! Do you plan in the future to allow to make different dishes from different mixes of ingredients? And one important thing yet... When we make "rousted fruits" in fireplace or stove, all fruits and berries are treated as fruits, so you don't know what fruit you are using... This is important to make different options, like it is in furnace, when melting gold, for example. Some berries like Acai berries or Prickly Pears are medicines very important in game. It would be nice if we could see what we are throwing into fire. I'm sorry for such long post, but I preferred to make one post, than be called spammer, but sending 11 separate posts, All The Best, ComR
  9. Hi, What are you doing? I can understand that you need more time to get rid of bugs and luck of content, but selling the game as it is now it's unfair, don't you think? It's not a big deal for me, I really like Ylands and I'm here almost from the start, but imagine new players, who buy "officially 1.1 version" and... there is no birds anymore, there is no sharks or fish of any kind, water is not working anymore, trading with npcs is broken again and fighting strange creatures also doesn't seem right. Not only that - whole world seems to be smaller than ever and from 5-7 islands we've got, one is "starting island" - empty, always the same and really not needed. I'm talking about solo, adventure mode of the game, of course. Why not to state clearly that solo mode game is in alfa, if you are going to do something with it at all? New people will try or see this on YT and abandon the game for good. Why you do this? You are adding new content again and again, but mostly only, let's face it, skins. Last time you added some very nice new recipes, few animals and plants, but content isn't so important if game itself doesn't work... I understand that you are listen to multiplayer community mostly, it's ok, but it would be good for all of us if you could fix most important issues first? I hope that at least you will say that you are working at water, birds, fish and bigger worlds... and that you haven't abandoned modding and "model making for all" ideas? I'm sorry, but I'm just sad. It's very frustrating when I see that in fact people gave up and only people from multiplayer community still patiently playing bricks and wish for water. I'd love to write for once something great about Ylands, but you seem to be not interested in returning content or fix engine flaws. All The Best, ComR
  10. Hello, Am I the only one without the sun in the skies anymore? I realised now, that there is no moon too. I will add screenshots soon. I'm waiting for dusk and dawn. Regards, ComR P.S.: Here you are dusk and dawn...
  11. Hi, I know how to do it, I did it. I checked also all other options and settings - there is no sun and moon... It seems they are "too far" to be seen. I have very old GC: Radeon 6870 1G. And I'm playing only single player, explore mode. Regards, ComR
  12. Hello, Glowing mushrooms were very nice addition to the game (especially as way points at night and underground). Is this another removed content?? Regards, ComR
  13. Yup. I guess something was changed in field of view - distance of view and by mistake skies, sun and moon are too far to see for my old system... Well, sun, moon and skies should't be too far to see...
  14. Hi, No sun! After last update there is no sun in Ylands. Rest of bugs I listed in separate post, please, take a look: Best Regads, Bartosz
  15. ComR

    Is this a joke??

    Hi, Yes, I'm angry. Don't you know why? ComR
  16. Could you, please, remove new faces?? They are horrible and ugly. Style of the game is low poly - please, be consequent, or at least let us choose. Additionally... all birds were removed from the game, I guess only temporally, because of too much bugs? Performance is better in my system, but... memory leak is still there... Hope to see game playable. Another thing: you are removing content update after update instead of adding something useful. Please, compare pre-Steam version and latest version of the game.... It's horrible... Why you are changing game mechanics, graphics, skins, but actual game still isn't there! There were at least mummies, abandoned houses with "treasures" in them, now we have stupid, invincible NPC's instead?? - useless, because game is empty why do I need trading? Sleeping in solo games is still broken... Please, do not treat multiplayer and exploration, solo games as the same. It's something completely different - should be. Also, FPP is also removed - I cannot collect many items from my chests anymore, because I cannot precisely look at something... And last... sad thing... I paid for the game year ago and there was only one important upgrade.... well... in fact skin change and performance fix - it's not update. I understand Ylands is still pre-alfa stage, but take a look at "Oxygen" development! You claimed that around 50 ppl are working on Ylands!!! Oxygen is made by few friends. 50 ppl?? Really? What they are doing? Constantly changing skins? Changing music (yes, it's very nice, but old one was very good too, please, add old music too!) isn't improving of the game! Yes, fighting mechanics is good change, but for now THERE IS NO GAME, it's still only demo. Whole year of work of 50 ppl and we lost all this content (I hope it will be back when you release modding tools as you promised): hunting (yes, dying animals animations were sad - but it was a good thing - you should feel bad, especially if you decided to make this game also for children. You removed gutting, but you can still kill animals... Where is logic???), at first Ylands was game for all people, now you decided to change game, so it's game only for children...(you sold me Ylands as exploring, open world, crafting, sandbox, survival, PVP or cooperative, solo or multiplayer game for adults - now, instead of letting people choose how they want to play Ylands, you are doing everything to remove "adult" content and make whole game brick building game for children with their parents), we also lost collecting items (bones, dinosaur skeletons), realistic animal life (animal were multiplying and hunting each other), many crafting items, tools and materials (why you removed primitive tools like paintbrush?? Why you removed drying rack (essential thing for explore/adventure/survival version)??, we lost ability to sleep as long as we like (ok, in multiplayer it was needed, but you ruined solo gameplay - please, let us choose in settings what type we prefer!!!!), we lost skeletons and so, we lost many tools, items, collectibles and weapons & armour made of bones (come on! It's low poly, cartoon style game!!! Even in LEGO games skeletons are present!), in early version we had tons of swords and armour we could craft, depending on our tools and preferences (samurair armour, katana), we lost also big islands (now we have around 6-8 islands max and biggest is usually 4 times smaller than islands from early versions of Ylands), we lost exploring pirate, black magic experience which made this game so immersive... Now islands are literally empty. Instead of adventure game we have another brick game!! You focused on multiplayer brick building, actual game is left alone. Do you remember how you were advertising Ylands??? The only hope is modding community or... if you start to think about all people who already bought your not existing game. I'm sorry, but it's not fair... All the best... I hope you will make the game as you promised after all and it will be open world sandbox with unlimited modding abilities as you promised. I know - it's still pre-alfa and you can even stop working on Ylands at all, but there is no even similar game, you can make something truly great. Please, don't waste your work and our trust. For now I'm really disappointed. Have a Nice Day and Good Luck! Bartosz BTW. I really love the idea and whole game, but I'm so frustrated when I see lost opportunities. If I could help you, even for free, I could work for you as my half-time job. Just to help you make Ylands better. I wanted to make game very similar to yours years ago, but I cannot do it alone, so maybe I could help using my ideas that way? You have pro codders, very good artists of every kind, but maybe you need someone who would work for you daily testing game as a full time job, helping with algorithms, sketching whole trees of crafting, weaponry, tools and so on? I could help with ideas of using neural networks, simulating wild life or just making notes on big and small ideas, easy to implement to make game better? I'm an historian, sculptor, toy-maker, model maker and journalist... I could be useful. Why I'm writing this instead posting something day by day? Because I was doing it for very long time and no one was reading it...
  17. Hello, I must say it's a bit annoying to click "equip" or drag berries to slots or to my avatar hands and then close inventory and click again to eat. It would be much easier if we just could click right button to eat something or place sleeping bag on the ground. Of course, it should work this wa only if there is no open chest and right click is needed then for moving items. And... it would be really nice if we could carry small urns, clay pots, small boxes and above all: small bags - it's realistic and it would not ruin the game if we could move such objects, even if we could place few things in it, three slots it's not a big deal and after all, we have to make them, use resources, so, it would be nice to have small wicked basket for mushrooms, bag for vegetables or just general purpose clay pots or... different size backpacks or even big suitcase, with 9 slots, but we could carry it with both hands... Just for fun. BTW. There is a bug... You can find few objects, like clay urns, you can carry these, so I was happy that at last we can make clay pots that can be moved around without destroying anything every time we want to move such things. That's... REALLY annoying... And I hope I can make at last general purpose containers! Unfortunately it's just a bug... Additionally it's a magical magical urn. Turns out, if I open any container and I have at least one item in the urn and at least one the same item in the container, by right clicking I can copy that thing indefinitely! I was able to make hundreds copies of bullets, grain, planks, nails, armour and so on... It was fun, but it ruined whole game after all. To check this bug - find urn in explored world (I don't remember where was it. It was in some king of ruin if I remember well), pick up the urn (yes, you can do it). Place anything in it, for example plank. Build any container (wicker basked always works) and place one plank in it. Then open the basket, then click the urn, right click on the plank... and magic happens! If you drag plank, everything works as usual, but if you right click... You can copy anything. Good Night! ComR
  18. Hello, If you are planning to add MPC enemies, please let people choose if they want them at all!!! For now Ylands exploring mode is relaxing, nice sandbox. Yes, enemies would be nice, but dying again and again wouldn't be nice and whole game would be ruined, so, please, consider turning off too much enemies... I think it would be nice to have settings to choose, when you start explore game, not only world name. Maybe you could add something like this: -Enemies: none, very few, few, some more, plenty, X number, random min-max, respawning or not (for players who like constantly respawning, new enemies). -Aggression types: avoiding (running away when they see you, just like bunnies?), friendly (for example talking constantly and fallowing you.. ), neutral, enemy-unfriendly (just like wolves?), hostile (aggressive when you meet them, just like sharks) and very hostile (hunting you). Types of AI players (aggression types are as above): -Single explorer/hunter etc. (just exploring like you do, it would be great is some of them could use their own boats too) -Band of explorers/pirates/bandits/nomads etc. Explorers, hunters as you are, but working together (as always; X people or random min-max) -Tribes/natives/settlers/pedestrians etc. (they are exploring/hunting/fishing/planting etc... daily things on their island only) -Hordes (mummies, warbands, orks, zombies, evil tribesmen, policemen, kangaroos... - whatever) (as above, but they are in large numbers and they are looking for brawl with anyone and anything – just to make the game more customisable and even more fun). -Random mixes of above -”Pedestrians”/”locals”, just MPCs wandering around. Some fishing, some cutting and planting trees and so on. Randomly doing anything; move to x,y, if he's hungry, he seeks food, during night most of them are going to their sheds, houses, starting fires or just lie down and sleep. Sometimes, someone steal something and run away, someone is chasing him. Sometimes mpcs are fighting each other etc. I understand, that first MPCs will be simple - that's good. But, I hope they will be better in time, so our worlds will be not empty. Best Regards, ComR
  19. Yeah, backpack, as additional special slot in "avatar clothing" window would be great. Additionally, I think one or two general purpose bags wouldn't hurt. Tool belt would be great. Usually I have to left everything and go do one thing, go back, change tools and resources and do other stuff... It's not bad, but when you have tons of different food (I'm always using only one - roasted fruit, so I have only one slot full. Second slot is reserved for health restoring berries). But, it's still too less slots for adventure. Backpack would be great, even instead of propeller pack - it's a good place for backpack.
  20. ComR

    link an account

    bb cakes_P1 I'm sure they promised modding from the start, not now for sure. I saw many questions regarding modding whole game and answers were always: yes, but not before game is completed. Making models for money was another topic.
  21. ComR

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    Do not cross fingers, devs promissed us modding ability long time ago. We paid already for the game, game was changed to game for small children.., that's sad (12 was to much?), but still we have to demand modding, not cross fingers. Whole idea was; open world, creative, openbox with modding abilities... People just do not write or even do not "give likes" on important topics. That is a problem. I have no idea how many people is playing Ylands, but how many is doing something to help devs or say their opinion? No many...
  22. Hi, Please, give us back our old, good, low poly, funny faces! It's not only because had time to love them, but above all because new faces do not fit to low poly esthetics of Ylands. If you really want to use these in ready game, please, let us choose in settings if we want to see these. It will not change anything for anyone, because even in multiplayer everyone will see something else, after all, we all have different graphics settings and everone see everything differently. Please, consider it. Let us choose - it'll not kill the game or make modellers work harder - models are already there. Second thing is music, I understand you are planning to make dynamic music, this is very nice idea and don't get me wrong - new music is beautiful, but old one had it's charm too and I miss it. New music track seems to be too short (too less tracks?) and the same music is a bit annoying after a while. I know it's very, very expensive, but maybe you could use already existing tracks and mix these to make some more variations of the gameplay tracks? Returning to old music - even without dynamic idea, it was very nice soundtrack. Maybe you could let us choose in settings to use older tracks or both? Even without dynamic changes, if it will be to hard to do. With Regards, ComR
  23. Hello, After upgrade, there is no seaguls at all, there is no vultures... Only birds showing where to go and not flying birds, like ostriches. For time being birds were removed from the game? There is no MPS too (no vendors), their shops are there, but no vendors... What happened? Best Regards, Bartosz