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Everything posted by Gracekain

  1. Gracekain


    You guys are making me nervous! I plan on setting sail today after work to go exploring and look for some coal!
  2. Gracekain

    Let's Play Ylands!

  3. Gracekain


    in the real world, you need sulphur, saltpetre and charcoal. good luck
  4. Gracekain

    Instantly killed TWICE!

    just a tip, I was able to destroy the rune stone, but the kill area remains. As in an invisible area that will kill you even tho the stone is gone.
  5. Gracekain


  6. Gracekain

    RESOLVED Placing Raft

    Does mashing F rotate it before placing?
  7. Gracekain

    RESOLVED Game Login Issue

    I guess you are using the launcher to log in? YlandsLauncher.exe What does it say when you click on the link? What anti-virus do you use? Did you try disabling it?
  8. Gracekain

    How To Series - Ylands -

    How to find and mine up minerals. Iron, copper, coal, gold, clay, flint, saltpeter, sulfur.
  9. Gracekain


    I love the idea with nets. Reminds me of my Ultima Online days. You had a chance to fish up special net and when tossed into the water, the net could cause a special event (Sea serpent, Kracken etc.)
  10. Gracekain

    Inventory/Crafting window size

    It's not the size of you monitor that matters, it how you view it
  11. Gracekain

    Let's Play Ylands!

  12. Gracekain

    Ship repair

    ships can get damaged??? I just build my first, have yet to set sail
  13. Gracekain

    RESOLVED Crash/corrupted game save

    not to self: do not try to sleep at sea while the boat is in motion... May get gobbled up by a large sea monster. got it thanks
  14. Gracekain


  15. Gracekain

    Instantly killed TWICE!

    you can sneak up behind it without taking damage.
  16. Gracekain

    How to: the console

    /delete and /unstuck would be helpful.
  17. Gracekain

    Stuck on a block

    Sometimes when that happens you can hit the ground and create a hole that will most of the time break you free.
  18. Gracekain

    A few bugs

    I can also confirm the existence of diamonds. I placed down a bunch of dirt to make a road, and when going over the road with a spade to smooth it out, I found 1 drop of 2 diamonds.
  19. Gracekain

    RESOLVED Towers of sand.. Bug?

    I would love to reproduce this, but I am a bit confused. You are placing 10-17 sand on top of each other but only have one in inventory? I think a bit of clarification may be in order.
  20. I found a "fix" for this. In the video, my default camera setting was set to the first person camera option. In options before login into the game, I tried setting the default camera setting to third person, and then everything works as intended. You can even toggle first person and third person correctly in game when pressing the C key if you set your default camera to third person.
  21. Greetings Everyone. I am new to Ylands, and I love the game already! I decided to do a Survival/Exploration playthrough on my channel, and I hope everyone enjoys. I will use this thread for video updates. Thanks! -Grace
  22. Gracekain

    Best Suggestion Ever!

    Allow me to pre-test all patches +1 if you agree!