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Everything posted by bojo2736

  1. bojo2736

    Custom Color Pallets

    I know how to pick them. I want to be able to keep them. In editor it's fairly easy, as you can just hit the dropper and pick the color you want. I generally lay out a swatch of the materials and colors I am using. But in game it's harder. If you don't write down the hexadecimal number you used, it is impossible to make sure you have the same colors. I did buy a little app in steam that was on sale that will let me do exactly what I want to do here. It would be better if it was in the game and not a separate program.
  2. bojo2736

    Barf's chuck wagon

    Did you, by chance, blue print this?
  3. bojo2736

    Barf's chuck wagon

    That is awesome. So are you using the panthers? Or their victims?
  4. bojo2736

    Another funny screenshot thread...

    We decided they add to the ambience.
  5. bojo2736

    Sneak Peek #53

    I die quite a lot
  6. bojo2736

    P1 Building Contest #3 - Europe

    No, but I was thinking of some ideas...
  7. bojo2736

    Dev Diary #41

    Wow, I really was late to the game. I came in on Countless Colors.
  8. bojo2736

    Vanity Clothing

    And coconut bikini tops.
  9. bojo2736

    Vanity Clothing

    Only because I saw it before @kimbuck :D
  10. bojo2736

    Vanity Clothing

    Can we talk about the female clothes? Ugh.
  11. bojo2736

    Another funny screenshot thread...

    Beware the Polar Syndicate.
  12. bojo2736

    P1 Building Contest #2 - Gameplay

    You learn by doing @Christalle
  13. Join us on the discord, planning is underway for the next explorer iteration, we would love input!
  14. I wish we could save custom swatches.
  15. I have that experience as well. And the blueprints in game can take a day to become useable.
  16. bojo2736

    Sneak Peek #53

    I wish I could give you more upvotes on that @JMeJ2
  17. bojo2736

    Editor maps need protection barriers

    Not only for protection, it's needed for building and deconstructing. That's one of the real reasons to use it, and why it exists in SP.
  18. Yeah, I made a hut using poles extensively, and hay on the roof... nope. They didn't show up so I had to adjust the design. It was cool and different, and it's now "tremendously ugly."
  19. bojo2736

    P1 Building Contest #3 - Europe

    My entry... https://workshop.ylands.com/asset/548
  20. bojo2736

    Editor not seeing files

    So I tried doing it a bit different. Instead of pulling the old file out, and pasting in the file I want to work with (they are all called SessionSave.ylandsgame) I just paste the file I want to work with into the SavedGames file and my computer asks if I want to overwrite. I say yes. Then the file seems to be reliably opening. Just make sure that you are backing up the file you are overwriting or you might be sad.
  21. bojo2736

    RESOLVED [YLD-10927] NPC falls through ground

    It's a feature.
  22. bojo2736

    Sneak Peek #53

    Building / placing objects in the game is so fiddly and frustrating. I would like something like how it is done where you control placement with the grab bars. If you are placing an object now, you have limited control side to side or up and down. Limited. Not good. And super frustrating. But front to back precise placing is nearly impossible. Building on or even near water seems to change the grid properties and angles. And the single most annoying thing, maybe in the whole game for me, I try to place a block or log piece and instead of snapping to the build area it goes flying out way in the distance. I can't place it that far out, so why does it even do that? That one thing makes me just give up on more detailed builds in game. Please make it possible in game to make items under my barrier unbreakable and unpickable.
  23. bojo2736

    P1 Building Contest #3 - Europe

    Thanks. I did look, but it was after 1 am.
  24. bojo2736

    Editor not seeing files

    In case I was not clear, this is for a private server, not a public BI one. I know that it can't be done there. My question wasn't if it is possible. My question is how to refresgh files in such a way that the game can see them.
  25. bojo2736

    P1 Building Contest #3 - Europe

    Im in. When is the deadline?