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Everything posted by bojo2736

  1. output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  2. I was able to reproduce this. I will upload logs again.
  3. I'm not sure if I can reproduce. It seems to take really low life, and I ususlly tale a couple hits or I die.
  4. I have had this on MP. And it's not all the time. It seems to happen when you get really close to death. Last night I had a quarter heart remaining. I used three poltices and ate acai. It was weird, the color came back to the world but the hearts didn't come back. This has been happening to me randomly since 0.8. I can give you my files, but I was playing this morning too, so I don't know if that over writes? ETA MP, DS output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  5. It would be nice to have an option to get rid of dead bodies with the barrier.
  6. bojo2736

    Dev Diary #32

    The new music is growing on me. One suggestion I would like is to have the danger music to have some difference based on what the threat is. And the shark response should be tuned down a notch.
  7. bojo2736

    Protective Barriers, online multiplayer

    I don't know if I want it to be our spawn point, but it would be super useful if it could be a mark on our map. I currently only build within view of the shore because on a large island it can be hard to find an inland base. If it was markable on the map I could build anywhere.
  8. bojo2736

    Building Competition

    I don't think my work is bad. It just isn't close to what I have seen. I would feel weird appearing in the same competition as @SyxtySyx. I sometimes wonder if we are even in the same game.
  9. bojo2736

    Building Competition

    The point may not be to win. But I am not likely to put my color crayon scribbles next to the Sistine Chapel.
  10. bojo2736

    Building Competition

    As a fledgling builder, I would like to suggest skill levels. I am not sure how that would be determined. But I would never try to compete with some of the best builders here. Way too intimidating.
  11. bojo2736

    The Ylands community is dying...

    I had a really enjoyable time this weekend playing after the upgrade. There are still a few glitches mostly in the area of the ships, the water and sharks. They're still glitchy. But really everything else was more stable and just way more fun.
  12. bojo2736

    Another funny screenshot thread...

    Too many to count...
  13. bojo2736

    Dev Diary #32

    Still having issue with the sharks glitching boats and boats and water in general being a bit unstable and wonky. But overall... I am happy with the upgrade. Well done, devs.
  14. bojo2736

    Things You Didn't Know

    If you are trying to grow a lot of trees to harvest, coconut palm is a good choice. From one tree you can harvest three coconuts, cut the tree down and get three more coconuts. So tou can replant 6 for every 1 you have. I think they yield 8 logs each. If you don't cut them down, you can harvest 3 coconuts daily.
  15. I dropped a few flint that I had managed to dig up, but didn't have time to dig stones. I don't know what the answer is. But Spring Break should be over soon.
  16. You are welcome to join our adventures / disasters on Foobar's server. We are very friendly and co-operative.
  17. Still too early to call it, I haven't been sailing yet. But I feel like the release of 0.8 really improved my experience with this game. I had such a nice session last night (minus the griefer now dead on the ship he built with my stolen goods.)
  18. bojo2736

    Dev Diary #32

    I would like the old music added back as well.
  19. bojo2736

    Voice-overs in new music

    I miss the old music
  20. I can upload last nights logs when I get home from work tonight.
  21. bojo2736

    Dev Diary #31

    Personally, I would love to see more purchasable decorative and clothing options. I would prefer to just buy once and then have it in decorations file forever. Even if it meant paying more for the option. I really want the fancy chair and matching sofa and love seat.
  22. bojo2736

    0.8: Meaningful Music (28/03/2018)

    First play, very enjoyable. As Foobar mentioned, several time outs. But load in was fast. Time is not working. It semmed to stop at 0753 ish. Plants still growing. Able to play, but eternal morning. I also had an issue with animations / effects not showing up. I was down to 2 hearts, used poltice, bandage, medicated bandage, bear berries, pricly pear. Nothing. Then a few minutes later, back up to full hearts. Also I tried to bash in a locked door on game generated building using war hammer. I bashed and bashed. Finally gave up. When I was next at the location, the door was gone.
  23. bojo2736

    0.8: Meaningful Music (28/03/2018)

    Can't wait to get home to play. Can we buy coyns with steam gift cards?