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Everything posted by bojo2736

  1. Sleep is messed up. Again. I got the in use by someone else bug. on a solo test of a scenario. This bug has been "fixed" a couple of times. Why do the old bugs come back with updates? log_userscripts.txt output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  2. Our sharks have decided to keep out of the air. I have seen them onland but that's not completely new. Recently, the other animals have taken to the air. It seems that they do drop from the sky as you move toward them. Often getting stuck in trees. This seems to be new since 0.11
  3. output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt I had something weird happen. I was pulling up to Honey Chicken's house on Foobar's MP server. I was having lag, so my character could only walk, not run. I had her anchor her ship. I sat her down on the deck, and closed the program so I could log back on to fix the lag. During the log in, it stalled, but I heard her die. When I finally got logged in, she was on an island that did not look like the island I had been at. It was a...
  4. bojo2736


    I placed a vendor banner, and now the vendor is facing the wrong way. I tried to use my destruction hammer to move it, and it wouldn't let me. Is there a way that I'm not seeing to remove the vendor banner? (After the vendor has arrived.) It would be helpful to have the front marked, so we can see where the vendor will be facing.
  5. bojo2736

    Veteran Player Thoughts

    I bought this game the day it released on steam. I have over 3700 hours into the game. I have bought and given so many copies of the game, I don't even remember how many. Because of frustrations with the game, I stepped away from it. I was thinking of uninstalling it, but before I did, I wanted to check it out one more time. So I have played it around 30 hours or so in the last couple of weeks. Things I like: I really like that you create blocks as you need...
  6. bojo2736

    Medieval Engineers

    Fun building / survival game. I have it on my personal server.
  7. bojo2736

    What other games do you play?

    Sims 4. Y'all.... Seasons is coming out this week!! House Flipper. Lots of mindless fun. It seriously lacks decor items. 7 Days to Die. Took me less than 7 minutes, so I must be really good! Also, Zombies are scary. And I may never complain about the length and darkness of a Ylands night ever again.
  8. bojo2736

    Unable to dig near water

    Because griefers could mess up a map beyond repair.
  9. bojo2736

    What other games do you play?

    I've been playing a lot of minecraft (bedrock) mostly in creative, or on peaceful. It's weirdly addictive. I still hate the visual style, but I find myself playing for hours.
  10. bojo2736

    Transportation of animals

    I realized that after I posted. Mostly, if I play, it's been and old map in SP. So I forgot about the ship thing.
  11. bojo2736

    Transportation of animals

    I just ride/swim them over.
  12. bojo2736

    candle suggestion

    We have prop packs and cars in a game about being stranded on an island. I am not really concerned about "realism" I just want the lights to work the way I want them. ?
  13. bojo2736

    candle suggestion

    Candles are weird. If you try to manipulate them inside the editor, it doesn't work very well. As far as I can tell, the reason is that a candle and a lighted candle are two different objects. Comparing them to a brazier, a brazier is the object and it can be lighted or unlighted. So you can build a switch for it that will work. With a candle it doesn't really work like that. I did put it as a report at some point, and they were looking at it. Lighting in general needs to be...
  14. bojo2736

    How to bring back alpha players in 6 changes.

    Adam was awesome. No shade to Nikki, she's doing a good job, but Adam paid a lot of attention to the group. He was available and approachable. He even played with us occasionally. Not sure why you felt the need to take a comment about how we are having a nice civil discussion to insult a guy who did a great job, and who is not here to defend himself.
  15. bojo2736

    How to bring back alpha players in 6 changes.

    It's not a minor point. The game I fell in love with had a chill vibe. I spent hundreds of hours in SP before I ever moved out to the multiplayer servers. It is a VERY different game now.
  16. They really need to add clan markers on the maps. Why encourage co op play and then make it difficult?
  17. bojo2736


    I played briefly last night. I ran into some cool buildings. Were these built by devs or from community members? Can we alter them? The island I first landed on was HUGE! Thank you so much for that. The terrain was so much better. I prefer the more jagged old style, the new style is rounded, but I was so pleased to see that overall the islands have much more variability. I found myself marking places to come back to and maybe build. I haven't been...
  18. bojo2736

    Dev Diary #180 Cooler Crafting

    Did you see the KNIFE BLOCK??? OMG
  19. bojo2736

    Dev Diary #180 Cooler Crafting

    Please do, and thank you.
  20. bojo2736

    Dev Diary #180 Cooler Crafting

    Some way to sort favorites? Please?
  21. bojo2736

    POSSIBLY Bigger and more varied sails

    While we are at it, how about adding storage to ships, boats and rafts.
  22. bojo2736

    Dev Diary #178 EA Surprise

    Clear Ice. That's what I want.
  23. bojo2736

    Build Bucket List

    I have been trying to get back into building in Ylands. I do like the improvements that have been made to the build mechanics in Exploration. The build workbench is a bit fiddly, but it is so good for getting into those tight spaces. It is better than building with the prop, and it behaves more like the editor. So kudos on that. Making items unpickable. This is a dream come true. The only tweak I would make is to be able to use it on anything. It seems like right...
  24. bojo2736

    Dev Diary #176 What comes after 1.7

    So this isn't available on the multiplayer thing? The one where we can visit each other's maps? If that's the case, then not having barriers active is a really awful idea.
  25. bojo2736

    Dev Diary #176 What comes after 1.7

    How are those permissions set?