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Everything posted by proGURU

  1. As seen in the picture, the item size and slot number are on the same side and are superimposed in the bottom most line.
  2. So my friend and I play in co op with sharegame. When we quit the game, it says 'saving in process' and 'uploading sharegame data' like below: This I can see till 85% and then this screen comes up, and can't see above that percent: But if I re-enter the same game just even 5 seconds later the game asks this: If I click 'Yes' it resumes from where I left. Even if my partner enters, nothing is wrong. But if I click 'No' it resumes from the last time I quit the game and it saved, like nothing is saved in cloud after I started playing this session. PS: Internet is really good, so no problem with uploading stuff and if a dev need anything I can help it out. Also if anybody else face same issue please free to comment below.
  3. proGURU

    Sneak Peek #58

    Nice way of locating other Ylands? Are we getting them? ARE WE?
  4. proGURU

    Hover effect

    Lets say we hover our pointer over an object. Can it display its stats like for a sword - max atk/dmg points or when going over the armor(not equipped) - max strength/hp ?
  5. proGURU

    New mining idea

    We know the metal ores are on the surface. But can we make it like 'non continuous' on the deeper aspect but abundant in quantity and we need like a metal detector to find ores? That way we can build tunnels and mining stations with incentive being large quantity of ores?
  6. proGURU


    Not all cancelling, but if the maker is not 'on' and we have something on crafting, can we take it back? For example, I'm making steel plates, but the foundry is not lit yet, so the timer is still at 1:00 So can we take our stuff back then?
  7. proGURU

    Adrie's Shipyard

    Can someone add their new creation here? Need good ideas for us newbies.
  8. proGURU

    A server where PVP is totally removed!

    Am I missing out something?