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Everything posted by Berzeger

  1. Berzeger

    RESOLVED Ylands_setup.exe Error

    Hey guys, I'm the programmer who takes care of our launcher. As Ane already said, there is a new setup available for download at our website, we're also preparing some stuff for you guys to be able only to reinstall launcher (and not the whole game, which as of now also deletes quite large game files). Also, if you have any troubles with the Launcher, you'll help us greatly if you attach YlandsLauncher.log and YlandsLauncher-previous.log files found in C:\Users\<your_username>\AppData\Local\YlandsLauncher here. Thanks!
  2. Berzeger

    RESOLVED Download / Installation Error

    Ah, great, glad you got it working. Enjoy the game!
  3. Berzeger

    RESOLVED Download / Installation Error

    Hi, can you please send us launcher logs? You will find them under C:\Users\<your_username>\AppData\Local\YlandsLauncher. You will find two log files in the folder - please send us both. You can attach files here on the forums. I tried reinstalling my Ylands copy and redownloading the whole game with no issues. Once we get your log files, we will look into it ASAP and should be able to see where the issue lies. Thanks!
  4. Berzeger

    RESOLVED Map loading error

    Can you please tell us what Operating System you use? (E.g.: Windows 7 64 bit.) Thanks!
  5. Berzeger

    Treasure hunt

    Ha, I finally finished it, too! I couldn't find the key to the last door.
  6. Berzeger

    Pronouncing Ylands

    The "Islands" one. :))
  7. Berzeger

    My first Yland is starting to take shape!

    This looks great! We hope you like the game so far, there is a lot more to come!
  8. Did it happen with the lastest launcher version or was it the version downloaded from our website? The launcher that is available for download is still the old version, the latest is downloaded and installed automatically when you successfully log in. I'll ask someone to upload a newer version where this doesn't happen. If you managed to log in in the launcher at least once (and the launcher updated itself), you should be able to change your password back to whatever it was before and log in without issues. It the problem persists even with the latest version, please do let us know.
  9. Okay, it should be fixed. 1. Log in with the email without the plus sign. 2. The launcher should download the latest update. 3. After the download has finished, you should be able to change your email back to the one with the plus sign and be able to log in with it. Please let us know if there are more problems.
  10. Thanks for the report, we'll look into it!
  11. Berzeger

    Positive Futures

    Thanks for your kind words, sir, we will not disappoint you!