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Found 6 results

  1. Hello i bought your game on steam , but it wont start .
  2. Totoro In Ihrer Welt

    login error

    Fatal login error Backend request failed (500) This is the message I get when I start the game. I checked the game for errors, restarted Steam, the error keeps coming back. Please, what can I do, what's wrong?
  3. eryk1gabryluk

    Fatal Login Error

    I installed Ylands and I get such an error, does anyone know how to fix it?
  4. V-Alfred

    Can't login at workshop

    Hey I just encountered a bug that never happen to me before, I'm trying to go to workshop and auto login prompt pops out, then I tried to login. But it says like the picture, I tried clicking the G+ but the result is still same. I don't know why. Ignore that bad sensor, I need to hide my email address.. Are you still working on the website or it's bug, devs? Thanks
  5. When hitting continue to join back into my own singleplayer world I was prompted to create a new character. I did and was placed on the starter island with what was in fact a new character. This was on a world where I have logged probably 20+ hours. There are two possible causes that I believe may have lead to this error. 1. About 10 minutes prior I encountered a bug which caused me to teleport to a random ysland when interacting with the ladder on the large ship. Perhaps when the teleport happened it registered as a player death? 2. After this happened I was looking through game settings and decided to link my Bohemia and Steam accounts. Perhaps this registered a new ID to my profile causing the game to assign a new character to the new ID. I have yet to search the world for my previous character as I am unsure which ysland I was teleported to. output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  6. My email address contains a "+" sign. I was able to create my Bohemian account through the ylands website using that email address and receive all emails regarding confirmation and activation. However, when I downloaded the ylands launcher and attempted to login with that same email address and password (which I confirmed worked on the ylands/bohemian site) it would not let me log in. I received an error indicating my email address or password is invalid. I logged into my account via the ylands website, changed my email account to something without a "+" sign and I was then able to login to the launcher with that new email address.