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Found 7 results

  1. When I try to use the blue print it says that someone else is using it so I cannot build anything. Please fix the bug
  2. DW's Gaming N Animation


    I just came back from Thanksgiving and Christmas break, with no internet, just regular TV and my mind racing with ideas. I jump into Ylands after 3 or so months I find that the building system is completely different. So I've learned everything from scratch, then I find this............ I had tears come out of my eyes, because I enjoy posting, building, but to actually be heard and have the developers implement something I just wanted to talk about was so heart felt. I never thought that the building system would be improved like this. This is everything i've wanted and more. Thank you, thank you and thank you to the developers. Its a Christmas present I plan on putting to good work! Thanks again developers.
  3. I played more then 370 hours.. suddely i spotted a planecrash site and a mummi.. maked me confused if this was already ingame or that they do some kind of server update :)? And btw any new news on the upcoming updates and will that affect or restart the servers agian? Thnx Ylands Team and ppl greetings StickMansNL
  4. I heard theres going to be an update in 1-2 weeks, I was wondering if it'll require us to start a new game for the update? Because of the last update...protective barrier and starting a new game to acquire it (I know that in the end we didn't have to)
  5. I had an idea and i thought i should share it with you, so have you thought the possibility of combining Creative mode with the Editor Mode into Multi player ? For example server has editor open and others can either join in the editor or switch roles and go close up in the creative mode.
  6. My character died from an unknown cause and now i'm stuck at the "create new character" or return back to main menu. Clicking on create new character doesn't do anything. I can only go back to main menu. output_log.txt error.log output_log_clean.txt output_log.txt
  7. When hitting continue to join back into my own singleplayer world I was prompted to create a new character. I did and was placed on the starter island with what was in fact a new character. This was on a world where I have logged probably 20+ hours. There are two possible causes that I believe may have lead to this error. 1. About 10 minutes prior I encountered a bug which caused me to teleport to a random ysland when interacting with the ladder on the large ship. Perhaps when the teleport happened it registered as a player death? 2. After this happened I was looking through game settings and decided to link my Bohemia and Steam accounts. Perhaps this registered a new ID to my profile causing the game to assign a new character to the new ID. I have yet to search the world for my previous character as I am unsure which ysland I was teleported to. output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt