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Found 11 results

  1. Today i realized Wooden letters weren't snapping to the grid anymore and sadly this means they cannot be captured in a blueprint. Me and i'm sure many others used wooden letters for detailing a blueprint. The images below are some examples of blueprintalbe builds with wooden letters in them. Please fix them, thank you!
  2. Jdtriton

    Igloo Design

    Here is an Igloo design I came up with for the Artic Region of Ylands. I Would love to hear what you all think of the design.
  3. On a single player map, a recently created blueprint failed to complete despite having all materials and items added. This blueprint is a large structure, but it was created in the Creative Mode (not Editor) within a week or two. I've created and used other blueprints recently without issue. I have all the necessary recipes. Judging by appearances (glowing blue), it's nearly complete but stuck on some common materials like glass, sandstone, decorative pipe, etc.. I would appreciate help as this took significant time to assemble all the materials. Thanks! Output_log and Output_log_clean attached. A zipped version the .game save file is attached. Let me know if I can provide anything else. output_log_clean.txt output_log.txt 3221 ELFLAND BASE1.zip
  4. Jordan-290eb88b53a0e6d8

    [Suggestion] Blueprint Design Paper

    My idea or suggestion is blueprint paper where you can virtually build/draw up your constructions in 2D, before you commit to building something, then not being able change a certain piece 2 minutes later because it doesn’t fit anymore. For example if you were building a log cabin you could make a side, top and front view on seperate pieces of blueprint paper and use them to build the outline of your construction. Being able to add measurements or a grid on the paper would be very useful too for getting dimensions right. Whats everyone’s opinion or if you have any better ideas please comment. Obviously if the building system gets changed to where you remove your own blocks easier after the time out then it wouldn’t be necessary. Or maybe a ghosted block placing system to test out designs?
  5. Indian Chief


    Hey devs, just wondering if in the future we can have the ability to rotate blueprints in free placement mode like we can with building blocks etc. Cheers
  6. Edwin-c54f672a82af8139

    Small Shed blueprint

    The Small Shed blueprint requires roughly 1,100+ in-game 'hay' (dried out grass/plants etc) i don't think it's possible to gather that many in-game 'hay'. I suggest making the Small Shed blueprint only require at most 300 'hay' in-game. Or is there a drying process in-game to speed up 'hay' farming?
  7. When I try to use the blue print it says that someone else is using it so I cannot build anything. Please fix the bug
  8. Greetings team! First off I'm really glad to see the Blueprints system, amazing addition! Though I'm kind of curious, why is the blueprint camera not allowed in Creative mode? Simple as that, create something in creative, blueprint it and when I go to Explore mode I can simply place the blueprint and get all the materials to build it, like in many other games that handle blueprints this way, there seems to be no harm in allowing this, does it? I would like to know (And I believe many others too) your take on this Screenshot attached of a test little house I made to check the blueprint work.
  9. Food Recipe It would be great if we could make a various kind of dishes using more than one material. That being said the starvation meter needs a upgrade. Farming Would require improvement to fit the food recipe suggestion that've made. With more diversity of seeds like rice, wheat and fruits. And make it more complex with irrigation or temperature requiriments for example, plating a temperate plant in a desert island wouldn't rise. Fishing Mini Game Fishing in this game quite boring process and not useful since fish meat doesn't raise the starvation meter like it should be. Breeding Animals It's really tough to find leather after you kill all the animals on the island. Blueprint of Ships and Cars After trying to blueprint my ship from the old game I was playing with my friends I realised that It isn't possible to craft the hull and masts. Blueprint from cars and ships should be implemented. Survival Smooth Terrain Tool Landscape it's really important but in survival mode we still lacking of a smooth terrain tool after mining or flatting the place things get a lil bit ugly. Health Bar I know it's a Zelda reference but sometimes I feel it doesn't fit the UI. Vending Machine It's a great concept for a multiplayer game but it implies making a currency. I'm not sure about it since I didn't play on any ylands server just with friends. The other sugestion that I have it's asking about the community opinion with some kinda of survey in game. There's a lot of complain about the micro-transactions at steam's review page as far I've played I didn't use the shop for skin and it's not necessary to enjoy the game. I do not have much time to reply or make a more detailed post about my suggestion. I've seen a lot of these suggestion on the forum and tried to upvoted them to get devs attettions. Thanks for reading good exploration for everyone.
  10. incredibleHAL

    How to share blueprints?

    How can we share our blueprints with others?
  11. Darkwhip TheLasher

    Architect mode

    I was thinking that some sort of False-creative mode could be useful to make building plans, so we make the building we want using holographic-like blocks which aren't physically present and only visible during that mode and possibly save this plan on a client-side library for later use or even share it. What I like about this is, we actually "build" the desired building but as if it was in the character's mind and later on once we have the resources to actually build it physically we just place the appropriate blocks in the holographic blocks and they disappear. What do you think ?