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Found 7 results

  1. I would like to bring my cars on the ship for easy and fun exploreation. They have to be teleported with the ship.
  2. Ummm... I seem to be missing something in my Exploration Map.:. SPOILER ALERT : BE AWARE As myself and my comrade are hammering through our exploration map, we have managed to get to a particular puzzle. As it has been enjoyable to play through... we find ourselves rather... well... frustrated and confused. We. Are. Stuck? We have taken the steps to get where we need to and then... Nothing. It would seem that the Sphere for the Submarine is not there, despite the key being... where it should have been. This has me rather concerned. Was this puzzle removed from game play from exploration after the updates? It seems the older version of the game had more to interact with. There were sharks and birds which I understand will be coming back in future updates? But... what about this puzzle? At this point it seems we can not move forward with it despite all of the hard work we have put into it. If The Dev team could hone in on this, Gggawwwd! Would it be helpful and welcomed! Overall, we love this game to bits. Challenging ourselves daily and running around (and under) the Ylands and Ocean with fervor, but... some attention to The crowd for the Exploration Group would be loved! Though Workshop is lovely, we need some love too ? If ANYONE has had this issue, or any suggestions on this, join in on this discussion! Keep up the awesome work, DEVS! ? Sitting at the bottom of the ocean hopefully, ? Nahni ?
  3. Greetings team! First off I'm really glad to see the Blueprints system, amazing addition! Though I'm kind of curious, why is the blueprint camera not allowed in Creative mode? Simple as that, create something in creative, blueprint it and when I go to Explore mode I can simply place the blueprint and get all the materials to build it, like in many other games that handle blueprints this way, there seems to be no harm in allowing this, does it? I would like to know (And I believe many others too) your take on this Screenshot attached of a test little house I made to check the blueprint work.
  4. since update 0.7 we cant take over logics from editor mode to the single player explore files.. this really sucks! since I want to use logics in my server and have more than 8 ylands in the server (creating a terrain in ylands only give the ability to generate 5 ylands..) so I have to use an single player explore file to play on the server with multiple people. but than again I cant use logics in the editor mode before the update you could save a logic as a composition and load it in the explore file and it would work. I need really need those logics for in the server! I want to build teleport to each yland so I can help people who are stuck or don't have resources anymore. so please either bring back those logics or make a command for admins so that we can teleport to people ( e.g: /tp ''yourusername'' ''targetplayer'' )
  5. Will we eventually have options available in creating an explore map? Would be nice to pick starting biome, min and max settings for number of islands, resource amount/scarcity, maybe whether ore can regenerate. It's this gonna be available in a future update?
  6. chrono208


    Can you guys help and find out what happened to explore na 5? I had gotten kicked from it earlier and tried to reenter but alas i could not. I logged out of steam and my computer and checked for updates as well waiting a couple hours before re-trying to log back in but when faced with the continue button it shows NA 5 unavailable and it also no longer appears in the server list. Please help! My friends and i have made some significant progress and do not want to restart rn. -Chrono
  7. Asmodeus_KH


    Hello. I would like to see submarines that would be able to swim not only on the water on ships, but under the water on a submarine, even if they will be a small size, you can even be the most primitive to start with. And based on the fact that there is a video where a person found the wreckage of a submarine at the bottom of the sea, it can be argued that the developers plan to add them in the future, whether they are electric or steam engine, it does not matter, the concept itself is to swim under water, where you are not afraid neither storm or pirates.