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Found 3 results

  1. 2020 Update: Dedicated servers have been DISCONTINUED. However, you still have options. Share games, buyable Nitrado/BI servers and locally-hosted multiplayer. You can only buy servers from Nitrado now. Nitrado sponsors P1 -- that is an affiliate link. Should you start a dedicated server? Simple answer, not yet. Technology: Right now the dedicated server technology is not ready for public use. Servers you rent and servers you set up on your own I going to have major issues that are not related to your hardware. Community: Attracting an active community to your server is really difficult because: Servers right now require a wipe/reset often due to serious lag that comes with use There are only a handful of active players at the moment. When will these factors change? Ylands multiplayer is in early access. However, once the 0.12 patch roles around multiplayer will likely have made big strides forward. How to setup a dedicated server: What do I need to start a dedicated server? 1) Windows PC: Ylands server technology does not run on Linux and therefore you will require a Windows PC. 2) The password to the Ylands Dedicated Server forum. You may request on the Better Ylands Servers Discord (https://discord.gg/zKXdsn) or here: 3) Then download the server startup guide here. For full disclosure, P1, my clan is sponsored by Nitrado. P1 runs all of it's servers on Nitrado and it works great.
  2. chrono208

    Server Wipes

    So, Does anyone know if the admins/devs finally resolved the 10 hour or so cumulative time limit before a server gets wiped? I really want to play but i wont play again until this specific issue is dealt with. Honestly, i don't see how anyone is tolerating these constant server wipes, i'm sure you guys have lost a mass of players though because of this issue. But then again we did already pay for the game and you guys have our money already so i guess you guys probably wouldn't care about this then. Unless you are good guy devs and are seeking a resolution and hence here i am asking for elaboration. If any non-devs can relate to what i'm saying please bump this thread so devs will see our frustration. Here's hoping you guys implement a fix. -Chrono
  3. I heard theres going to be an update in 1-2 weeks, I was wondering if it'll require us to start a new game for the update? Because of the last update...protective barrier and starting a new game to acquire it (I know that in the end we didn't have to)