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Everything posted by TheClockArm

  1. As you observed, the problem with the powder keg is that it destroys all of your nice things around it I admire your ability to grind the stone down with coffee and mouse in hand, but I'm not that hardcore lol. I really like the building and survival of ylands, but I think they could work a little bit more symbiotically- in that it is super grindy, not to gather resources or build, but destroy when you decide to augment your build and you need to take down a wall, or something else of the sort. I would probably be happy with an increase in the amount of hits that it takes to destroy wood, in order to balance the massive decrease in hits required for stone. Or another more flexible option which I would be more happy with is adding more difficulty/building settings to the game which allow giving players to choose from a larger range of difficulty. Idk, just a thought
  2. Ill take another look as I hadn't seen it earlier, thanks
  3. I wasn't aware you could open an active survival or creative world in the editor... how do you do that since I couldn't find the function myself?
  4. I understand that you can do it, but like you said you can only use it once. If I want to build more than 1 thing, in more than 1 different place, or one thing larger than the area- im out of luck Do you know if there will be any other solutions? ei: Modifing protective barrier settings, adding a new tool thats not the annihilator, etc..?
  5. TheClockArm

    No rainforest biom?

    I was messing around in a creative/survival world I had set up, and I was wondering if Island variation only exists in explore? I had seen 2 other Islands all of the same biome-type as the original.
  6. TheClockArm

    A list of ongoing suggestions & Bugs

    Besides #6, I agree that all of these would improve the game. The suggestion that I resonated most with was #11 as I have encountered the same issue not only in oceanic bases, but when I build my base on the shore and need to terraform, and accidentally terraform the water edge too, which bugs it out. I have literally restarted games because that water level and weird formations bug me so much. I understand it isn't an easy fix- but I think that water terrain should be looked at first prior to adding new features to the game.
  7. TheClockArm

    Ability to Draw on Map

    Being able to draw or mark/label spots on your map would be really useful for marking base locations, mining spots, points of interest, etc... Realistically, it makes sense seeing as you would have had to draw in the rest of the map somehow- so why wouldn't you be able to augment the drawing with something of your own?
  8. TheClockArm

    Ability to Draw on Map

    On a further note, this could potentially be integrated with the pigment system/charcoal- if the developers decided to want to have this action consume resources as a result of adding additional information to a map. Just a thought*
  9. TheClockArm

    Admin Commands

    I think that the dedicated server commands are definitely a good feature but I was also talking about singleplayer specifically. I'm not an extremely hardcore survival player, and I enjoy the building in the game. Any time I want to play explore because of the exploration without previously knowing the map (duh), I always find myself discouraged because whenever I try to build something I always encounter a problem. For example- sometimes I end up wanting to change the building later that I made out of stone, which is as of now a little bit tedious and I could really use the annihilator in that situation, which is as of now only accessible in creative. tl;dr these commands (such as additem)could give single-player ylanders a larger range of difficulty 'settings' to choose from, and eliminate some of the frustration.
  10. TheClockArm

    Map Sharing/Copying

    I agree, and I don't see a downside to counteract any of the various pros (realism, useful, etc...)
  11. TheClockArm

    Manually thatching with free placement

    I really like this Very creative
  12. TheClockArm

    Admin Commands

    Adding these commands back would be super-helpful for a variety of reasons! I am not sure what lead to the developers removing it from the game in the first place (possibly some back-end incompatibility stuff) and I would definitely be curious to know. Anyone know anything further on the subject and if they plan to re-add it into the game? It would be very much appreciated by at least me