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Found 4 results

  1. Hunter-Over-Fire

    Object Repairs

    I suggest a way to repair items and structures, most likely with a repair hammer of sorts. I want this in ylands because many people out there are going to battle ships and what not and have no way to repair them after the battle. If you can't repair a ship after battle it will be stuck bellow full health forever, which annoys me.
  2. Toweringrex

    structure repair option.

    Hi will there be a repair option for houses? i now have a light spot on my wall because i accidently hit it. or is there already an option like this?
  3. RobinKing

    Repair the big ship?

    Can i repair the big ship? Alot of cracks in it and how do i breake the steering wheel?
  4. Hi Ylander Devs! The Hotbar Red indicator for a broken item can be broken! When repairing an axe the axe must be kept 'active' in the Hotbar or it will retain it's Red indicator as broken, although it IS actually Repaired. Please see images below: 01 Hotbar Red indicator for broken axe 02 Inventory confirms axe is broken 03 Cause bug by changing Hotbar item 04 Open inventory to Repair axe 05 Repair the axe while not holding it 06 The axe IS repaired 07 BUG the axe is shown broken Work around 08 Workaround - Place something else in Hotbar 09 Workaround - Place the axe back in Hotbar 10 Fixed - The Hotbar displays the axe as Repaired - Smashing! I came across this while playing a few days ago, added it to my list of things for feedback and have chopped a lot of trees to try and replicate the issue today, but it IS repeatable now I know what caused it, (changing to an empty hand before doing the repair). I have not tested this for other items. I hope this is helpful!