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Found 3 results

  1. Phil Dubbo

    New cannon

    Hello, I would like to see some early 19th century cannons added to the game with a better traverseangle (maybe 280°) for ships and fortifications. Maybe the guns could be on a platform so the player rotate with the gun to prevent colision like with the current cannons. examples: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:BL_6_inch_rifle,_with_two_BL_9.2_inch_rifles_beyond,_at_St._David's_Battery,_Bermuda,_2011.jpg
  2. Lupowop

    Linked Cannons

    So cannons... they are loud! and fun and you can break things with them... I'm loving them so far... it would, however, be epic if later down the crafting tree there could be a "cannon linkage" where it would link say 3 to 4 cannons together so that you could load them all up, man one and fire that one and they all would move and fire together... It would make PvP a lot more fun in ship battles where there are multiple cannons on a ship and only a few players to man the ship
  3. Seraphs Revenge

    Yland Starting Island

    Hi guys, I've had quite the time trying to not only find islands (sometimes up to or exceeding an hour), but then caves on them and sulfur in those caves. I've started a bunch of different maps, and I've played on a few of the servers. Today I found probably the best starting island to date; it has deep caves with multiple entrances, gold and sulfur veins (first that I've seen of either) almost near the surface, the brick building with cannonballs and flintlocks (as seen in the picture, I believe the gold/copper vein can be seen in the distance), every type of tree imaginable, etc. Is there a way I can find the seed that generated this map, and then share it with the community? I've only had Ylands for a few days so I'm not sure it is even possible to enter in a specific seed.