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Found 2 results

  1. Hello, I created a new local multiplayer world and playing it for few hours. But I killed my teammate by fighting with a wolf beacuse I forgot to disable PvP and customize world button is no longer avaible. Adding a /pvp disable/enable command would be great. Thank you! THANKS! IT'S NOW IN THE GAME!
  2. since update 0.7 we cant take over logics from editor mode to the single player explore files.. this really sucks! since I want to use logics in my server and have more than 8 ylands in the server (creating a terrain in ylands only give the ability to generate 5 ylands..) so I have to use an single player explore file to play on the server with multiple people. but than again I cant use logics in the editor mode before the update you could save a logic as a composition and load it in the explore file and it would work. I need really need those logics for in the server! I want to build teleport to each yland so I can help people who are stuck or don't have resources anymore. so please either bring back those logics or make a command for admins so that we can teleport to people ( e.g: /tp ''yourusername'' ''targetplayer'' )